Teaching Your Child Courage

Written by Anil Vij

Continued from page 1

· Discuss with your child how to say no. Sometimes children don't know how to say no to peers who ask them to do dangerous or risky things. After identifying ways that she might be tempted, teach your child a three-step process for self-protection:

1. Applyrepparttar "trouble" rule: Will this action break a law or rule?

2. Make a good decision--think carefully aboutrepparttar 110203 risks or possible consequences.

3. Act fast to avoid trouble, using options such asrepparttar 110204 following:

--Say no!


--Make a joke

--Suggest something better to do.

--Make an excuse such as, "My dad will get really mad."

--Act shocked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anil Vij is the creator of the ultimate parenting toolbox, which has helped parents all over the world raise smarter, healthier and happier children ==> http://www.expertsonparenting.com Sign up for Anil's Experts On Parenting Newsletter - just send a blank email ===> mailto: parentingnews@aweber.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Perfect Birthday Present for that Little Girl (No Batteries Required)

Written by Carol Shuman

Continued from page 1

How To Pick The Right Costume I have given many costumes as gifts and have found that you can't go wrong giving a little girl a Barbie costume. However, here are some tips to makerepparttar perfect selection: * Find out what TV showsrepparttar 110202 child likes to watch. Often, costumes ofrepparttar 110203 main characters are available. * Doesrepparttar 110204 child have a favorite movie? There are numerous licensed movie costumes available. * Be sure to buy an 'Official Licensed Costume' if available. This will help ensure thatrepparttar 110205 child will be able to recognizerepparttar 110206 costume, as it will be made according to licensing specifications. * Checkrepparttar 110207 size and buyrepparttar 110208 right one. Nothing is more disappointing than receiving a costume and it not fitting. Make sure you buyrepparttar 110209 right size. If you are not sure, buyrepparttar 110210 larger size.

Wife and mother of two. Working to promote the family business: http://www.anytimecostumes.com

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