Teacher Turns Entrepreneur

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1
Beginning, intermediate and advanced writers can all create multiple documents to not only help with their businesses, careers and education requirements, they can use them to increase publicity, promotion, prospects and profits.

“Sending Query Letters inrepparttar first instance is appreciated by all - from agents to busy editors and their staff - and noted as a sign of professionalism,” said James Masterson, E-Book Division, The StarFields Network. “This program makes it easy to produce a positive Query Letter quickly… It is also easy to personalize…” For more information and to subscribe to free newsletters with a discount on software purchases, contact Kristi Sayles, Smart Author-Instant Writer Software, at (731) 584-7150. Email: Kristi@smartauthor.com or visit: http://smartauthor.com

Barnum is an Ohioan freelance writer and is president of Moving Ahead Communications at http://movingaheadcommunications.com

How Ghost writing Articles and Booklets Can Earn You Big Money!

Written by By: Abdallah Khamis Abdallah

Continued from page 1

Once you have writtenrepparttar article, you need to send a draft to your client for suggestions and revisions. Adoptrepparttar 129010 suggestions, proofread it and prepare a final draft. Sendrepparttar 129011 final draft to your client and post it to article databases, ezines and syndicates online and offline. Inrepparttar 129012 course of time,repparttar 129013 article will be distributed and circulated online and off generating wide publicity for you client.

How long shouldrepparttar 129014 articles be? For how-to articles 500-750 words isrepparttar 129015 standard but whererepparttar 129016 subject needs exhaustive treatment 1000 to 1500 words is good length. For a higher word count, you should advice your client to consider an ebook, booklet or book. Of course,repparttar 129017 longerrepparttar 129018 article,repparttar 129019 higherrepparttar 129020 fees.

SETTING YOUR FEES There is no standard way of pricing your article writing services. You should set your fees based onrepparttar 129021 research work involved,repparttar 129022 hours you spend onrepparttar 129023 work, and expenses involved in producing and publishingrepparttar 129024 article and a profit.

For a 300 to 500 words article $200 to $300 is fair but asrepparttar 129025 word count leaps intorepparttar 129026 hundreds, figures of $1500 to $5000 are reasonable. To convince your customers to cough such amounts, you will need to tell themrepparttar 129027 benefits of your service and business promotion through articles. You could also offer them various packages laden with bonuses and offers. For example, I offer a package, which includes paid placements to article databases and syndicates, ezines solo ads and press releases writing and posting. All this is done to assurerepparttar 129028 client cheap maximum and wide exposure no matter what. For booklets and ebooks of less than 50 pages, rates of $3000 to $10,000 are not uncommon. For books a ghostwriter may be paid anything from $20,000 to $100,000 depending on expertise, length and research involved.

At those rates obviously, you will not get everybody in, but for prospective clients who are used to paying hundreds of thousands in advertising dollars they would see it s reasonable and beneficial inrepparttar 129029 long term.

To ensure that you do not miss business from those who have small budgets to spend on promotion, you can structure your packages according to ability to pay. Those who pay less would get good exposure with no assurance of leads while those who pay more will get an almost guaranteed response.

BENEFITS Everyone wants to know how he/she will benefit from a product or service. For yourself as a freelancer, you will get booming business and enjoy making money as a freelance ghost writer. You will get more business by collecting and showing testimonials of your satisfied clients and establish a reputation as a prolific writer.

Forrepparttar 129030 clients, you will need to explain to themrepparttar 129031 benefits of your service. Here are some benefits you can tell them:

Free publicity to millions of prospects online and offline. The published articles may be used byrepparttar 129032 client to mail to existing and prospective customers as a free service, building credibility and a positive image ofrepparttar 129033 business inrepparttar 129034 process. Leads will be generated for future follow -up. Enquiries will be made aboutrepparttar 129035 business and some sales will be made. The publication ofrepparttar 129036 article online which contains relevant keywords withrepparttar 129037 clients website URL will increase its link popularity and improve its search engine ranking. This may bring in more targeted visitors torepparttar 129038 website. The client will be given progress reports for at least six months onrepparttar 129039 places whererepparttar 129040 articles has been published .You can inform him/her to also search for it on search engines using his/her by-line or article title.

The article could provide spin-offs for other article ideas, which you could slant for various businesses and markets. You could also write new articles every month, post them to article databases and send to prospective clients with a cover letter to market your services.

This ghost writing service could be very lucrative. You could earn tens of thousands of dollars every month from it. You could even get clients worldwide through your website and e-mails to direct response mailing lists.

Onlyrepparttar 129041 skyrepparttar 129042 limit!

Abdallah Khamis Abdallah is a freelance copywriter and ghostwriter. To learn more about how you and your business can benefit from our viral and credibility marketing solutions, and how your business can benefit from infinite publicity visit his website at:

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