Teach Your Baby To Read English

Written by Anil Vij

Continued from page 1

When you do meet, tellrepparttar teacherrepparttar 110227 things that you are doing at home to strengthen your child's speaking and reading in her own language. Letrepparttar 110228 teacher know how important you child's reading is to you and ask for support for your efforts. Children who can switch back and forth between languages have accomplished something special. They should be praised and encouraged as they work for this achievement.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anil Vij is the creator of the ultimate parenting toolbox,which has helped parents all over the world raise smarter, healthier and happier children ==> http://www.expertsonparenting.com Sign up for Anil's Experts On Parenting Newsletter - just send a blank email ===> mailto: parentingnews@aweber.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Visiting the Library

Written by Anil Vij

Continued from page 1


The library may offer these story hours more than once a week. For these story hours, you and your child usually read several books onrepparttar same topic. You might play games, sing songs, use puppets, or do other activities that are connected to that topic. You also may get ideas for books to read and other things to do with your child at home.


Families can read together, or they may join in a story told byrepparttar 110226 library storyteller. Some libraries also set up family activities aroundrepparttar 110227 readings, including crafts and art projects and watching movies.

Summer Reading

Afterrepparttar 110228 school year is over, some children may forget what they have learned about reading. Libraries help keep children interested in reading by offering summer programs.

Children from early elementary school to high school read books on their own. A teacher or librarian may give a child a diary or log in which he writes what he read duringrepparttar 110229 summer. And, because reading aloud is so important to promoting a love of reading, many libraries offer "Read-to-Me" clubs for preschool and younger children.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anil Vij is the creator of the ultimate parenting toolbox,which has helped parents all over the world raise smarter,healthier and happier children ==> http://www.expertsonparenting.com Sign up for Anil's Experts On Parenting Newsletter - just send a blank email ===> mailto: parentingnews@aweber.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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