Teach Children Positive Self-Image Through Fitness

Written by Lynn Bode

Continued from page 1
·Set a good example. If your children never see you engage in fitness or if they hear you complain about working out, then they are going to have a negative image of exercise. Let them know that you workout to stay healthy, to be strong and to have more energy and stamina (so you can keep up with them)! ·Get your kids involved in sports. Experts say that playing sports really helps build confidence and improves self-esteem (especially for girls). ·Teach your children to include physical activity as part of their daily routine. But don’t force them to exercise. Make sure thatrepparttar physical activity is seen as something fun to do rather than teaching them to think of exercise as a necessary evil. Good activities include taking a nightly family walk, turning offrepparttar 111445 t.v. and instead turning music on that you all can dance to, or taking a weekend family bike ride. ·Try to prepare (or if you are short are time purchase) healthy meals. And teach themrepparttar 111446 importance of good nutrition. Don’t let them haverepparttar 111447 misconception that there are “good” and “bad” foods. If a kid thinks that candy is a “bad” food, then naturally they will just want it more. Just try to encourage your kids to eat a balanced diet each day and to eat sugary or fatty foods in moderation.

Remember that something as small as talking about losing weight in front of your kids can have very detrimental effects on their self-image as they age. Damaging behavior learned from a parent at a young age can take years for a child to overcome. So,repparttar 111448 sooner you start incorporatingrepparttar 111449 tips above into your life,repparttar 111450 better for you child. But don’t forget that it has to start with you – make sure that you are incorporating healthy fitness and eating rituals into your daily routine and that you have a positive body image (no matter what your size or shape is)!

Lynn Bode offers her personal training services online through her company, WorkoutsForYou.com. Workouts For You provides even the busiest of parents affordable, personalized exercise programs (via the Internet) for losing weight, toning-up, building muscles & increasing stamina. The programs can be done on their schedule and in the comfort of their own home (or gym or on-the-road). Visit www.workoutsforyou.com for a FREE sample workout.

Why Budgets Don't Work and How To Fix It

Written by Terry J. Rigg Sr.

Continued from page 1

The Numbers Don't Add Up:

You have more budget than you have paycheck. Generally, this is caused by not being realistic in your budget. You try to make your paycheck fit your budget.

Answer: Start by listing your household expenses and bills. Then include 10% of your income for long and short term savings. If this total is more than your paycheck, you have to cut back. Start by looking at your household budget. Are there items that you can do without? If you have money left over after considering all ofrepparttar above, then increase your savings.

Unexpected Expenses: This can be from your car breaking down, need a new washer or any number of other expenses that you can't predict.

Answer: While long term savings is for things such as a home or car purchase or college forrepparttar 111444 kids, short term savings is just as vital to your financial security. A short term savings will accomplish two things. It will provide you withrepparttar 111445 money you need to pay those unexpected expenses and it will cut down on repparttar 111446 use of credit cards. The short term savings could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

When you develop your budget, keeprepparttar 111447 following things in mind:

1. Make your budget a simple as possible 2. Getrepparttar 111448 family involved. 3. Make your budget fit your paycheck, notrepparttar 111449 other way around. 4. Plan forrepparttar 111450 unexpected. 5. Visit The Complete Budget and Bill Organizer for more details

Terry Rigg is the author of Living Within Your Means - The Easy Way http://www.homemoneyhelp.com/ebookadpage.html and editor of The FREE Budget Stretcher Newsletter and Budget Stretcher web site http://www.homemoneyhelp.com. He has 25 years of experience counseling individuals and families concerning their personal finances. Use this email link to get a list of all of Terry's articles by autoresponder at: mailto:articlelist@budgetstretcherpremium.com

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