Taxing Your eBay Profits

Written by Tim Knox

Continued from page 1

You will need an EIN number prior to filing business returns withrepparttar IRS, so make sure you give yourself plenty of time to obtain one. For more information on EINs and your business, consult your accountant.

And while we’re onrepparttar 143578 subject …

Q: I made extra money selling things on eBay last year. These were items I picked up at yardsales mostly. My husband says I am responsible for paying income tax onrepparttar 143579 money I made, but I disagree. This is just my hobby, not a business. What do you think? -- Gladys A.

A: With so many people selling on eBay these days this is a question I get quite a bit. In fact, I have plans for a future “eBay and taxes” column, but I believe your question is more, “is it a hobby or is it a business?”

Again, I went torepparttar 143580 horse’s mouth (at least I think it wasrepparttar 143581 mouth) forrepparttar 143582 answer. According torepparttar 143583 IRS there are a number of factors that help determine if your hobby can be considered a business and thereby make you susceptible torepparttar 143584 IRS tax rules governing business.

Do you carry onrepparttar 143585 activity in a business-like manner? If you conduct your eBay activities like a business, i.e. you keep business records, track your profit and loss, keep a separate checking account, etc. then whether you think so or not, your hobby is considered a business.

If you put considerable time and effort into your venture,repparttar 143586 IRS may contend that you do so for profit and not fun. It seemsrepparttar 143587 folks atrepparttar 143588 IRS don’t believe in doing things strictly for pleasure. My guess is, neither do you. If you weren’t making money selling on eBay I doubt you’d be bothering getting up at 4am to hit all those yardsales. Then again, maybe you would…

If you depend on income from your eBay activities for your livelihood, it’s a business, not a hobby.

There are a number of other factorsrepparttar 143589 IRS considers to determine if a hobby is really a business, but in your case I think that coversrepparttar 143590 basics.

For detailed answers to any tax question you should consult a qualified accountant or tax attorney. God forbid you rely on a guy who is afraid to mumblerepparttar 143591 letters “IRS” three times in a row.

Here's to your success!

Tim Knox

Tim serves as the president and CEO of three successful technology companies and is the founder of, an online organization dedicated to the success of online and eBay entrepreneurs.

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Are You Mentor Material?

Written by Tim Knox

Continued from page 1

Discuss how often you will get together. Will you meet for lunch once a week or for an hour in your office several times a month? It is important that you create an actual meeting schedule and stick to it. Without a set schedule life will get inrepparttar way and you will cancel more meetings than you attend.

Next, set some guidelines and limitations. How often can your mentee call? Is it OK for them to call your cellphone or should they go through your secretary? Can they drop byrepparttar 143542 office anytime? Can they call you at home after 5pm?

Set some goals forrepparttar 143543 mentee. Assign them homework, give them a task. The relationship must be more than just chewingrepparttar 143544 fat. The point is to helprepparttar 143545 mentee grow, personally and professionally. Give them a list of books to read. Recommend seminars they should attend. Have them outline their business goals in writing, then you set milestones and hold them accountable for reaching them.

From your side ofrepparttar 143546 fence, don’t be afraid to share your successes and failures. Let your experience be their guide. Help them identify opportunities and avoid pot holes that you may have hit alongrepparttar 143547 way. Don’t be embarrassed to tellrepparttar 143548 truth, especially if it can keep your mentee from makingrepparttar 143549 same mistakes you did.

As a mentor you should also introduce your mentee into your circle of friends and associates. Sponsor them into Rotary, take them to luncheons, and introduce them to others who might also help their careers.

Being a good mentor also means that you are a confidant; your mentee will share not only his business problems and goals, but also his personal feelings, his secrets, his plans, and his angst. Respectrepparttar 143550 mentee’s privacy. Your discussions should not be fodder for your next poker night. When something is told in confidence, respect that or get out ofrepparttar 143551 mentor business.

One final point, a successful mentor/mentee relationship should not be a temporary relationship, but one that in ongoing, that grows and evolves untilrepparttar 143552 day you are no long mentor and mentee, but peers.

My own mentor, who probably has no clue that he holds that spot in my life, started out as an investor in one of my companies. As our business relationship grew so did our friendship and I found myself calling on him many times for advice. We eventually became business partners and today we are peers.

I tell him he isrepparttar 143553 entrepreneur I want to be when I grow up.

He tells me to shut up and pay for lunch.

That’s howrepparttar 143554 process should work.

Here’s to your success!

Tim Knox

Small Business Q&A is written by veteran entrepreneur and syndicated columnist, Tim Knox. Tim serves as the president and CEO of three successful technology companies and is the founder of Related Links:

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