Tax advantages of a homebased business

Written by Loring A. Windblad

Continued from page 1

The same goes for your gasoline, insurance, depreciation and repairs and maintenance write-offs. You must keep accurate records of mileage. Your start mileage, destination(s), people contacted or business conducted, and finish mileage. Then, atrepparttar end ofrepparttar 100261 year, you need to compute what percentage of your automobile use (based upon business and total mileage) was business. That isrepparttar 100262 percentage of total automobile expenses you are able to write off.

Forrepparttar 100263 telephone you have a different situation altogether. You must get a business line. This can be accomplished one of two ways. Either by a cell phone or by a second phone line installed. There are several arguments for both butrepparttar 100264 most telling one isrepparttar 100265 convenience ofrepparttar 100266 cell phone. With a separate “business phone” you are able to write offrepparttar 100267 entire expense.

But withrepparttar 100268 cell phone you must keep track of all personal calls. The advantage ofrepparttar 100269 cell phone is that you have it with you and can advise your clients that you are onrepparttar 100270 way, running late because, etc. And keep in touch with your home base while you are out and pick up any messages which may have been left at your home number.

This applies, also, to your home. You are allowed to write off all home expenses inrepparttar 100271 amount that your business office at home is a percentage of your total home space. So if your home is 2000 sq. ft., and your office is 200 sq. ft., you may write off 10 percent of your total household expenses. This includes rent or mortgage payment and all utilities.

If you keep your meticulous records, take your “working vacation” every year and “do your business” allrepparttar 100272 time, you stand to save from $1000 to $2500 on your income taxes every year, for at leastrepparttar 100273 first 5 years.

If you can start your business for under $1000, and keep your business going for under $1000 a year, you are in a plus situation where your business is actually making you a profit --- even though it is technically a loss --- every year for at leastrepparttar 100274 first five years.

Loring Windblad is a published author and successful HBB entrepreneur for the past 40 years. His latest HBB involvement is with Organic Greens.

4her2shop mall

Written by bobby

Continued from page 1
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