Tall Tale #10 “You can’t control word-of-mouth advertising”

Written by Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller

Continued from page 1

Once that happens there are some little tricks you can use to encourage people to talk more. You can guide this process into a snowball effect. Now you’re talking.

Our ultimate goal is to help businesses unleash this power. We do this by educating and coaching. If you want to tap intorepparttar source that lies within your company, start by reading our other ebook "The Six and a Half Secrets of Successful Advertising."

By takingrepparttar 100589 time to read this mini-course, you’ve helped us along on our goal of educating business professionals aboutrepparttar 100590 tall tales of traditional marketing andrepparttar 100591 power of “Gravitational Marketing.” Thank you for that. If we can ever help you spread this information or use it to better yourself of your business, please give usrepparttar 100592 opportunity.

Getrepparttar 100593 full e-book "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website: http://www.scend.net/resources.htm

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller are the partners of scend advertising. They are authors, speakers, and consultants on the topic of advertising and marketing to grow business. They make companies scendsational. Scendsational companies become famous. For questions, comments, or to shoot the bull, email them directly: mailto:talk@scend.net

Tall Tale #9 “You can’t mix business with pleasure”

Written by Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller

Continued from page 1

Every now and then, slide in a message that has nothing to do with your product. Tell them something about yourself. Begin humanizing yourself in their eyes. By mixing “business with pleasure” you will strengthenrepparttar emotional bond you’ve developed with your contacts. Not to mention, you’ll keep them on their toes.

If you’re still marketing via traditional methods, and not only to people who want to hear from you, don’t try this. This is a stunt that should only be attempted by advanced users of “Gravitational Marketing.”

Tomorrow, our journey together comes to an end. We’ll crush repparttar 100588 BIGGEST LIE OF THEM ALL: “You can’t control word-of-mouth-advertising.” We can’t wait!!

Getrepparttar 100589 full e-book "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website: http://www.scend.net/resources.htm

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller are the partners of scend advertising. They are authors, speakers, and consultants on the topic of advertising and marketing to grow business. They make companies scendsational. Scendsational companies become famous. For questions, comments, or to shoot the bull, email them directly: mailto:talk@scend.net

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