Tales of the Touareg....

Written by Charles Warnock

Continued from page 1

Or perhapsrepparttar industry is simply running out of good car names. Most ofrepparttar 120460 good predatory animal names are already taken, along with mythical beasts likerepparttar 120461 Thunderbird and Phoenix. But will buyers spend their hard-earned cash on nameplates likerepparttar 120462 GMC Grackle, Mitsubishi Gerbil or Toyota Trout? Automakers might consider working with corporate sponsors who already have well-known brands. Canrepparttar 120463 Nissan Nike or Plymouth Viagra be far off?

Another option is for automakers to trade onrepparttar 120464 success of celebrities who already have winning brands. I would expect thatrepparttar 120465 Cadillac Sinatra would be popular with both older buyers and younger fans ofrepparttar 120466 legendary singer. The Mazda Beyonce would be sleek, fun to drive, have a great sound system and a built-in celebrity endorsement. And it’s hard to imagine that a limited Elvis edition of a luxury pickup or SUV wouldn’t drive sales inrepparttar 120467 South.

Whateverrepparttar 120468 approach, automakers will have to get creative or we’ll be seeing a spate of distinctly second-rate model names:

Volvo Vanilla Nissan Eeyore Oldsmobile Earlybird Lincoln Pimpmobile Chevrolet Groin Kia Uvula Pontiac Schmontiac BMW Strudel Subaru Musty Honda Pretense Isuzu Achoo VW Vin Diesel Mercury Mongrel Plymouth Scrota Hyundai Albundai (for drivers who are married with children)

Passat? Bless you!

Elvis and evil warlords aside, it probably doesn’t matter whatrepparttar 120469 Touareg is called. Even if certain models have names that sound like a sneeze or a rash, VW owners seem remarkably loyal torepparttar 120470 name and brand.

Mere marketing mortals should probably assume that VW’s positioning and promotion forrepparttar 120471 Touareg is right on target. The vehicle probably will garner its own cult following, and Touareg clubs, meetings and Web sites will follow.

But it’s not because ofrepparttar 120472 name. It’s becauserepparttar 120473 company has consistently excelled in creatingrepparttar 120474 awareness, recognition and customer loyalty that makes a premium brand. After all, a company that can transformrepparttar 120475 purchasing decision from “Which car should I buy?” to “Which VW should I buy?” deservesrepparttar 120476 checkered flag.


Charles Warnock is a South-Florida based editor and Webmaster specializing in marketing communications and online content. He can be reached at cw@businesstechknowledge.com.

Charles Warnock is a South-Florida based editor and Webmaster specializing in marketing communications and online content. He can be reached at cw@businesstechknowledge.com.

Web copy that counts:

Written by Charles Warnock

Continued from page 1
4. Edit mercilessly. Usability guru Jakob Nielson says that reading from a computer screen takes 25 percent longer than reading from a printed page. He recommends giving online readers about 50 percent less text than print readers. Listen to Jakob. Think of your words and sentences as individual workers, each with a specific role in creating successful copy. If it’s notrepparttar best word or sentence or it’s not bolstering your message’s effectiveness, it’s fired! 5. Let your words dorepparttar 120459 work. Identifyrepparttar 120460 strongest benefits of your product or service and present them in clear, convincing language. Don’t try to grab attention with loud colors, excessive bolding, capitalization or punctuation. In addition to compromising your credibility, it makes for a spotty, unattractive page onrepparttar 120461 reader’s computer screen. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, overusing exclamation points is like laughing at your own jokes. 6. What is it? What’s in it for me? What’s my next step? Readers should be able to answer these three questions about your product or service after reading your copy. Answers these important questions quickly, along with another one if it’s appropriate - How much does it cost? 7. Firstrepparttar 120462 horse, thenrepparttar 120463 cart. Have you written to share ideas and insights, change behaviors and build relationships…or to close a single sale? In writing copy for Web sites and e-mail, many marketers makerepparttar 120464 mistake of trying to jump from introduction to sale too quickly. Building customer trust is a powerful, but fragile process. Asking for a sale before you have clearly established trust and demonstrated value is a sure way to alienate potential customers. Know where your readers are inrepparttar 120465 process, set realistic goals and target your words accordingly.

Charles Warnock, Editor/Webmaster, BusinessTechKnowledge Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA cw@businesstechknowledge.com

Charles Warnock is a South-Florida based editor and Webmaster specializing in marketing communications and online content. He can be reached at cw@businesstechknowledge.com.

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