Taking the Mystery out of Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

2. Conversion Rates If your web site draws lots of visitors, you'll want to know what percentage of those visitors are buying, and if not buying, at least signing up for your ezine. With these conversion rates you can determine how to increase your online sales.

Barbara has a subscription-based web site that pulls in over twelve hundred visitors a day, yet only seven people a day contact her andrepparttar site only generates sales a couple of times a week. Is thisrepparttar 120043 best she can do? Probably not.

You can prompt 10-50% ofrepparttar 120044 people who visit your web site to contact you and then work on converting these qualified leads to sales. For Barbara, all it took was a few changes in her layout and copy for her to add two to three hundred people a day to her list of qualified leads and increase sales to dozens each day.

One ofrepparttar 120045 most important things to identify and measure is where sales come from. If you advertise with Google or in ezines and see that an ad has more than paid for itself in leads generated and sales, you'll know its worth running again.

Just asking people where they heard of you or how they arrived at your web site is useful. When I asked one client how they found my site, they explained how they had been searchingrepparttar 120046 web usingrepparttar 120047 phrase, "marketing services" and how difficult it had been to findrepparttar 120048 site.

My advertising hadn't targetedrepparttar 120049 phrase "marketing services", so I quickly added it torepparttar 120050 list of keywords for my ads. The result? The next day someone came to my site via my targeted ad and bought every marketing manual I sell.

Don't let marketing be a mystery. Start analyzing what is and isn't working so you know what to fix. If your marketing is working, use these same numbers to set new goals for lead generation and salës conversions and be even more successful.

2004 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. - The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up for the Frëë Marketing Plan eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com

Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Written by Dan R. Vella

Continued from page 1

Functional associations are important such as timeliness, quality, dedication; as are emotional associations like inspiring, leadership, being an innovator.

The three C’s of personal branding are clarity, consistency and constancy.

Clarity deals with being honest about yourself and your strengths and promises of value attached to your personal brand and being clear inrepparttar way you communicate them. Often, for simplicity, you must focus on one or two aspects that are most vital and focus on communicating them. Think aboutrepparttar 120042 things you associate with prominent artists or mangers, and they are unlikely to be complicated.

Consistency is keeping things consistent forrepparttar 120043 customers. This does not mean staying stuck inrepparttar 120044 past, but just not undertaking drastic changes. Coca Cola have had a consistent message for 50 years;repparttar 120045 message evolves continuously and is not stagnant but is consistent. Artists like Madonna change every three or four years, but there is a consistency torepparttar 120046 change.

Constancy means being visible with your brand and maintaining an on-going level of awareness inrepparttar 120047 marketplace. Oprah Winfrey is visible constantly, and although most of people do not haverepparttar 120048 visibility or exposure of Oprah, they can still be visible in a smaller audience. There is no point trying to build a brand image quickly to coincide with a new exhibition or performance you may have coming up – brands take time to build in consumers minds.


NetReal.net, a company noted for its template-based Real Estate Web design solutions, offers a Winter Holidays Gift for Real Estate Agents and Brokers –repparttar 120049 Personal Branding Toolkit: http://www.netreal.net/personal_branding.php

The Personal Branding Toolkit containsrepparttar 120050 “Essential Marketing for Real Estate Professionals” ebook and 17 Real Estate Reports andrepparttar 120051 tools to personalize them with your name, contact info and photo.

NetReal’s editorial team put togetherrepparttar 120052 top 25 highest- rated Real Estate marketing articles of 2004, and created a must-have e-book - “Essential Marketing for Real Estate Professionals”. The ebook covers Marketing 101 , Network marketing, Personal Marketing, Customer acquisition and retention, Telemarketing & Direct Mailing, E-marketing.

You can personalize this e-book with your data and send it to your contacts, absolutely free of charge. This is a great way to offer a helpful gift to your colleagues and partners.

The “17 free Branded Reports” allow you to create your own branded Real Estate reports (for buyers, sellers, investors, movers) with your contact info and photo/logo and an exquisite design. Distribute them to your prospects or clients as e-docs or printed materials, or upload them on your website. Show your professionalism with these great tools to acquire new clients.

The Personal Branding Toolkit for Real Estate Professionals (http://www.netreal.net/personal_branding.php) is free for everyone.

Dan R. Vella is marketing editor for NetReal.net. NetReal.net (www.netreal.net) is a privately-owned company providing web-based and offline software solutions for real estate industry, focusing especially on the low-cost end, and empowering the real-estate agents through the use to Internet technologies with the most affordable costs.

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