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Think about people you know. It's fairly common to hear people say something like that - "I get sick this time of year EVERY year". You've heard that before - right? You've maybe even said that before. And what usually happens?
Me? I never get sick. It's a pact I made with myself years ago. I don't have to buy into all that garbage - so I don't. I figure, why waste my time being sick when all I have to do is BELIEVE I don't GET sick?
This time, it's shut-down thing. Too much overload, from releasing a new ebook to working on another major book project to working with clients to spending hours upon hours in my email program every day and feeling like I'm getting nothing accomplished.
And THAT, my friend, is a list of excuses, too. The very fact is, I ASKED to get sick. I asked - prayed, even - to take on illness and pains that were affecting my four years old daughter. And I've GLADLY done so, for her sake. She's feeling much better - I talked with her on phone last night - and Daddy's going to be just fine, too. No worries. Glad to help her out.
So, are you sick? Under weather? Did you ask for it? Or, worse ... did you promise yourself you would bring that into your reality ... like clockwork?
If you doubt my philosophy here, just test it out. Tell yourself you're going to get sick. Say it a few times a day or so, out loud and to yourself, too. Then just watch what happens.
How powerful are your thoughts? What are you "sending out" ... and what are you "getting back"?
Here's a little exercise for you ...
Stop right now and write down three things you're thinking about. Jot down date and time, and initial or sign it. Write a reminder on your calendar to look at that piece of paper in a week; even in a few days will work. Wad up that piece of paper and put it away in a drawer where you can forget about it. Just let it go - don't even think about it anymore.
When reminder comes up on your calendar, get your crumpled piece of paper and unwrap it. Read it. How many of those thoughts have come to be in your reality?
Are you sick? Did you ASK for it?
Is it NOT that simple??
The next time you feel so compelled to tell yourself you get sick every year at this time - or ANYTHING that will have a negative effect on you in any way - think again. Remember - it's your thoughts that create your reality, your experience of life.
Change your thoughts, and you change your life. Transform your life ... by starting with changing your thoughts.
Be well, have beautiful moments, and peace
Bryan Hall is a Success Coach, motivational expert, author, and networker whose coaching and writing is based on his "Peak Performance ... Peak LIFE!" philosophies and practices, as found in his new ebook ( by that name. To find out more about Bryan, his book, his coaching, forums, and more, please visit