Take Responsibility for Reshaping Your Life

Written by Jackie Stanley

Continued from page 1

Step Three: Do Something. Responsibility demands action. Until you do something aboutrepparttar shape of your life, nothing is going to change. And here’srepparttar 114775 kicker: because it is your life and you are responsible forrepparttar 114776 way it looks, only you can decide what you must do. So, take stock of your life and do what you can do to improve it. If you have been sitting around, get up. If you can’t run, then walk. When you fall down, take a minute to gather yourself, and then get up and continue with your plan of action. Because inrepparttar 114777 final analysis, how much we weigh is not a fraction as important as taking responsibility for our lives by doing what we can to make them healthier and happier.

Jackie Stanley is the creator of a series of personal wellness and weight loss journals titled "Lettuce Is Not Enough." She can be reached at 336.854.8667 or at jackie@lettuceisnotenough.com


Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1

When I arrived back torepparttar apartment in Blackshear where we were living, I ate something and sat down to rest. My daughter, Eva, came in from work and I could tell something was wrong with her. I said, "What's wrong Beaver?" Beaver is my nickname for her. Eva replied, "Daddy, I've got bad stomach cramps andrepparttar 114774 only thing I am craving is some of those little boiled potatoes." A smile came to my lips as I said, "Eva,repparttar 114775 LORD has grown something special for you to meet your need this very hour."

I drove back torepparttar 114776 country, went underrepparttar 114777 barn, picked uprepparttar 114778 new potatoes, came home, and cooked them for her. When she finished eating, she said, "Praise God, my stomach cramps are gone and I feel so much better." I replied, "See how much JESUS cares about you. You are special to Him."

Psalm 34,8 "O taste and see thatrepparttar 114779 LORD is good: Blessed isrepparttar 114780 man that trusteth in him."

copyright 2003 Irvin L. Rozier

preacher, author, ret military

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