Take Care of Ecoli Induced Illness Naturally

Written by Lena Sanchez

Continued from page 1

Researchers say there were no major differences between repparttar patients except that some had received antibiotics while others had not. The researcher reports "We therefore recommend against giving antibiotics to children who may be infected with E.Coli untilrepparttar 115602 results of a stool culture indicate thatrepparttar 115603 (infection) responsible is one that is appropriately treated by an antibiotic."

Yetrepparttar 115604 prescribing of antibiotics continue for E.coli suspected gastrointestinal problems!

Two treatments that I found to work without antibiotics are; First - Add Probiotic's torepparttar 115605 intestinal track to help take care ofrepparttar 115606 E.coli naturally. This addition will overcome and killrepparttar 115607 offending bacteria… Ecoli cannot take hold of your system when a balanced intestinal ecosystem exists. Better yet, have your intestinal tract so tuned up that Ecoli can't get access to it. See why http://www.antibiotic-alternatives.com/your_ecosystem.htm

Second - Take a tablespoon of Ionic Sliver Water morning and evening for five or six days, this is also known to killrepparttar 115608 offending bacteria, even those that hide inrepparttar 115609 system that come out later and cause problems. With both these additions you and your child can enjoyrepparttar 115610 summer.

Both of these should be kept in your medicine war chest (not inrepparttar 115611 bathroom cabinet) as they arerepparttar 115612 closest thing to helpingrepparttar 115613 most illnesses and keeprepparttar 115614 immune system tuned up to ward off illnesses.

If you don't know where to obtain one or both of these mailto:health@antibiotic-alternatives.com?subject=WhereToObtainPr.SW

*** Meet the author Lena Sanchez at http://www.antibiotic-alternatives.com/lena.htm Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts Ezine." Subscribe at http://www.envirodocs.com/newsletter & "Your Home Business Coach" Subscribe at http://www.yourhomebizcoach.com/newsletter

The pleasure of smelling the roses.

Written by Hannah Chartwell

Continued from page 1

There are a number of devises onrepparttar market that smokers can use to reducerepparttar 115601 intake of tar and one ofrepparttar 115602 most practical seems to be a mini, inconspicuous cigarette holder called targuard.

A good friend of mine swears by them because withoutrepparttar 115603 use of chemicals or moving parts, they manage to take out well over halfrepparttar 115604 tar beforerepparttar 115605 smoke is inhaled.

It is all done byrepparttar 115606 centrifuge principal, or so he tells me, but whatever it is there is no doubtingrepparttar 115607 disgustingly visible brown sticky deposit left inrepparttar 115608 filter andrepparttar 115609 certainty that it is better left in there than taken intorepparttar 115610 body.

He uses them for four or five cigarettes and then throws them away and he really does reckon that his breathing has improved considerably since he started using them regularly and he notices more subtle differences betweenrepparttar 115611 various red wines he is for ever sampling.

So from me one last plea to readers who still smoke cigarettes. Please do try once more to give up, there are after all any number of courses, patches and other forms of help readily available.

To those that ignore this plea, at least smoke in a little less unhealthy way by using targuard or something similar to take out a substantial amount ofrepparttar 115612 damaging tar before it enters your body.

The End

Article by author and journalist Hannah Chartwell who can be contacted at hbc@severnc.co.uk

More information on targuard can be found at www.healthiersmoking.co.uk

Article by author and journalist Hannah Chartwell who can be contacted at hbc@severnc.co.uk

More information on targuard can be found at www.healthiersmoking.co.uk

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