Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

13. Use HUMOUR. People like to have a bit of fun withrepparttar occasional laugh, whilst being informed on a serious subject. At least I believe so!

14. Write from "your heart", so that you come across as a REAL person. Just write what comes naturally with INTEGRITY...and BE YOURSELF.

15. Be totally honest in your writing and don't "borrow" too much from others content. It's so easy to "steal" onrepparttar 129658 www - so do your own work and if you "borrow ideas or material, ACKNOWLEDGE. "Incidentally, I have borrowed some ideas in this article from some good writers and well-known internet marketers - thanks a lot, David, Michael, John, Meredith, Joe and Edward).

16. Be humble…and don't talk down to your readers.

17. Use bullets (not live, please) in your articles - it makesrepparttar 129659 points easy to follow.

18. Don't forget your byline ...or your "business card". Make sure that you resource box atrepparttar 129660 end ofrepparttar 129661 article provides enough information to identify yourself and provide contact information. It's FREE advertising.

19. Offer a free report with your article - this is an easy way to collect a list of adresses for marketing your product(s). An instant target market.

20. Check allrepparttar 129662 links in your article before submitting it.

21. Offer your articles by autoresponder

22. Conclude with a strong message. Your final point (and paragraph) should be a message that summarises your article or gets your reader to take further action, like "GET STARTED" (as I've done in this article).

23. Finally, make sure your layout is good (not one of my strong points!), as this greatly enhances your prospects of getting published Use a spell-check. Go over your article carefully and be an editor yourself.

24. Make sure your article flows properly.

25. Re-read and re-read, until you get it "just right." "Aim for perfection, but settle for excellence" in your article writing.


The internet is such an amazing medium for communication and SHARING information. I've just submitted this article and it's been published almost instaneously (big word!) in a few places. So YOU TOO can write articles on yourchosen subject in your internet marketing efforts. MORE TRAFFIC = INCREASED SALES

Writers and internet marketers - Grab this moment in history well. "Carpe diem" (seizerepparttar 129663 moment!).

Why not start writing articles forrepparttar 129664 www in 2002?

A New Year is a new beginning.


Craig Lock Creative Writing Course Craig's first five books are available at:


Written by Mary Anne Hahn

Continued from page 1

So your profile writing job description might look like this:

Job Title: Profile Article Writer

Job Description: Interview famous, influential and or interesting people, and write article profiles on them for publication in local and national magazines.

Skills/Experience Needed: Excellent writing skills and attention to detail required. Experience in conducting interviews with people in a wide variety of occupations. Proven online and library research skills. Knowledge of publications with a track record of running article profiles.

Do you see how creating a writing job description for yourself might help direct you towardsrepparttar kinds of writing assignments that you want to land? If so, spend some time today developing your own.

Mary Anne Hahn is editor and publisher of WriteSuccess, the free biweekly ezine of ideas, information and inspiration for people who want to launch and maintain successful writing careers. To subscribe, mailto:

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