Written by Chacko Nedumkallel

Continued from page 1

..Genetically modified ( organism ) soybeans are not used inrepparttar manufacture of Tofu. And good quality Tofu is being made from wholesome soyabeans.

High health potential

Tofu is a food with unbelievably high health potential. If a person takes in 25 grams of soya proteins per day it provides complete cardiovascular health. On an average one serve of Tofu provides 6 grams of soya protein. Several delicious preparations are made of Tofu. For example freeze it for several days for a chicken-like texture. Afterwards it can be grilled or baked fit to be served as a delicacy that equals any tasty chicken dish.

Like other wholesome food Tofu too is good in fat calories but atrepparttar 115256 same time it is a low calorie source of protein . Heart patients are advised to replace animal protein with plant protein and Tofu is considered in this connection as a good source of it. Tofu has many food qualities. It is a good source of calcium too. And dietitians say that calcium found in Tofu is equally good in comparison to milk or cheese calcium.

Children love it All children like Tofu because it does not have a flavour of its own. It takesrepparttar 115257 flavour of other things added to it while being cooked. Some people replace eggs in their diet with Tofu. Tofu can be used in so many different types of dishes. People prepare fish-free and meat-free dishes using Tofu and atrepparttar 115258 same time they taste like meat and fish. ---

END --

1982 -1997 Oman Daily Observer Muscat 1975- 1981 Economic Times India

Do You Have Undiagnosed Hypoglycemia?

Written by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

Continued from page 1

Severe symptoms, which require immediate medical attention would include ·Unresponsiveness ·Highly agitated ·Unconsciousness ·Convulsions

What happens when we eat sugar and other refined foods? They are absorbed intorepparttar bloodstream very quickly and raiserepparttar 115255 blood glucose level to abnormally high levels at a very fast pace, which gives us that boost we often feel when eating sweets. This causesrepparttar 115256 pancreas to overreact with an emergency response and releases an excessive amount of insulin intorepparttar 115257 bloodstream to try and bringrepparttar 115258 blood sugar back to normal. The excessive amount of insulin bringsrepparttar 115259 blood sugar down, but it brings it down too low and it brings it down too fast. This is when hypoglycemia symptoms occur.

To treat hypoglycemia it’s necessary to avoid eating sugar or any food that easily converts to sugar. Your diet should consist of foods that take a while to digest so there won’t be a rapid rise in blood sugar and thenrepparttar 115260 plummet that causes hypoglycemia symptoms.

Foods that digest slowly consist of meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt, beans, nuts and seeds and complex carbohydrates, which are (whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh whole fruits (not juice).

Avoidrepparttar 115261 use of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine and reduce emotional stress as much as possible. For stress that can’t be eliminated find ways to cope effectively withrepparttar 115262 use of exercise, meditation, massage, counseling, etc.

There are a number of illnesses that produce similar symptoms as listed above, so it is necessary to consult with a health care professional that is knowledgeable in this area. Perhaps a sound nutritionist or alternative health doctor capable of diagnosing and treating hypoglycemia. The key word here is “knowledgeable” becauserepparttar 115263 average mainstream medical professional has a very limited education and understanding ofrepparttar 115264 complex issues surrounding hypoglycemia.

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. is an author and holistic health counselor providing alternative solutions, life management and support for individuals living with chronic illness or chronic pain. She is also author of the inspirational E-Book “Finding Life Fulfillment when Living with Chronic Illness-A Spiritual Journey”. Subscribe to her FREE monthly Newsletter for inspiration, advice and support.

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