Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Don't hog allrepparttar work. Delegate what you can as this encourages a sense of responsibility and a sense of teamwork in others. It frees up your time for more important activities. Handle each piece of paper only once. Rather than shuffling paper, make a decision to deal with it NOW (if important). destroy, or diarise for later action.

Userepparttar 124110 concept of time blocks to do similar tasks at one time...rather than when they arise, otherwise trivia will swamp what is important. Look at your body rhythms for which times suit you best. When do you work best (or when is your concentration at it's maximum)? Are you most alert inrepparttar 124111 morning, afternoon or evening? Plan your day by your energy cycle. You can schedulerepparttar 124112 most important or mentally demanding activities when you are at your peak. "Next time you say, "I'm wasting time" change that to say, "I'm wasting myself."

Craig Lock Eagle Productions My various books are available from: http://www.novelty-gift.com/ Creative Writing Course http://www.nzenterprise.com/writer/creative.html and my personal sites at http://www.craiglock.com and http://www.elkpublications.com/godzone.htm


Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Understanding motivation gives usrepparttar power to accept our behaviour when we have strange reactions. It can also enable us to change what we think and do if we want to improve our behaviour or performance. So when going for a job it is critical to understand your motivations. What do you really want and expect from it?

What do others expect of you? Our behaviour is directly affected by our needs. If you are clear aboutrepparttar 124109 answers you will be happiest.


There are three main theories of motivation: 1. Desire for achievement 2. Desire for power 3. Desire for affiliation or sense of belonging.

These theories are linked torepparttar 124110 concept of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside, for example,repparttar 124111 prospect of fame, recognition, monetary rewards, gaining power, respect or social approval/belonging (=sense of affiliation). With intrinsic rewards,repparttar 124112 task or situation is in itself motivating or compelling. Motivation is often defined in terms of our goals. Marie says that contributing to society by daring to be different is what motivates me-strange! I think that I get bored easily without a challenge. Enough about "little old me"!

There are six main steps or elements inrepparttar 124113 process of motivation. 1. Desire: First, to be motivated you must have an intense burning desire to get where or what you want.

2. Decision: You must make a conscious decision on what to aim for.

3. Determination: to climb mountains so that absolutely nothing will stop you. You need to be able to repeatrepparttar 124114 habits which are necessary to get there.

4. Discipline: It is critical to payrepparttar 124115 price whether you like it or not. Motivation is strongest when it isrepparttar 124116 internalisation of your goals and dreams, in other words, when you are headed on a clear path in your life's direction.

5. Focus

6. Direction

Certain people haverepparttar 124117 constant challenge to reach and sustain an optimum level of motivation which overcomes problems and brings results. If there is no challenge in what you are doing, motivation will soon wither and die.

Always remember: The buck starts -and stops- with you.

Self knowledge isrepparttar 124118 key to self-motivation: - why do we behave as we do? - what makes us tick?

Also critical for motivation isrepparttar 124119 image or snapshot you have of yourself. This is based on your inner belief in yourself as well as your attitude and views of your strengths and weaknesses. If you believe in yourself and expect success, you will act confidently and be highly motivated.

Key Points of this lesson:

* We must define success for ourselves.

* Be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses.

* Your personal solutions lie within you.

* To sustain motivation, do better than inrepparttar 124120 past.

* Motivation often comes from a challenge.

* It is necessary at times to make a positive out of a negative.

* The most important thing for an achievement-orientated person is to have a clear goal.

What comes first? The chicken orrepparttar 124121 egg? Motivation or action? The answer surprisingly is Action. First, we have to primerepparttar 124122 pump andrepparttar 124123 way is through action. People who tend to procrastinate confuse motivation and action.


Craig Lock has been involved in the corporate world (life assurance) for over twenty years in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Craig's various books are available at: http://www.novelty-gift.com/ or http://www.nzenterprise.com/writer/books.html His Online Creative Writing Course can be found at http://www.nzenterprise.com/writer/creative.html

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