Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1

Three days later, cool refreshing water was flowing from that 29 feet deep well. The church began to flourish and grow and 12 years later,repparttar water is still flowing...despiterepparttar 105776 severe droughtrepparttar 105777 state of Georgia experienced. Not only that,repparttar 105778 church membership grew and grew, andrepparttar 105779 Lord continues to bless that church to this day.

The day we hit water, I left to go back home. My old Datsun's motor blew up, and I was stranded besiderepparttar 105780 road. Within five minutes, a man pulled over and offered to give me a ride. He said, "I normally don't stop to help anyone but for some reason I had to stop." As he drove me home, I told him what I had been doing and about some ofrepparttar 105781 men who had helped. One of these men was his first cousin who he hadn't seen in awhile. I ended up talking to this man about Jesus and praying for him. Evenrepparttar 105782 breakdowns and stops are ordered byrepparttar 105783 Lord.

Later, I soldrepparttar 105784 Datsun for $100. The man tookrepparttar 105785 truck and never paid me. The church too forgot to pay me forrepparttar 105786 work onrepparttar 105787 well. Oh well, I know everything belongs to God.

John 4.14: "But whosoever drinketh ofrepparttar 105788 water that I shall give him shall never thirst: butrepparttar 105789 water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Irvin L. Rozier

author of My walk with the Lord,, preacher, retired US Army


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