THE "REAL" WAR ON TERROR...Written by Candas Emcioglu
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By launching new euro in 1999, EU challenged US in an indirect manner by offering world an alternative currency to do business in. Although a rapid transition from dollars to euro would be a disaster for virtually every economy in world, and not even Europeans would desire such a sudden change, a gradual transition was possible, and perfectly feasible, in long run. Taking into consideration possible consequences of EU's euro challenge for future of US, it would be too naive to assume that economic rivalary between dollar and euro would take place without any friction or conflict of interests. The influencial players that have a tremendous effect on outcome of this economic game of chess are oil and natural gas exporting countries. As early as November 2000, Iraq became first oil producing country to switch from dollars to euro, and hence, also became first to experience wrath of US military might. Analysts all over world recognized that such a disobediance to American hegemony would be severly punished. It would be illogical to assume that US would simply tolerate Saddam’s decision and would risk possibility of an economic disaster. Allowing Iraq to switch from dolars to euros would send a clear message to other oil producing economies and that would create a domino effect. It is certainly not a coincidence that Russian leader Vladimir Putin has annouced "possibility" of selling Russian oil for euros, while Iran has been actively working on establishment of a new trading market in France for OPEC and Middle Eastern producers, which could potentially end dominance that London’s International Petroleum Exchange and New York’s NYMEX currently enjoy. As dollar is no longer a stable currency with its more reliable alternative in euro, one can easily see why “War On Terror” is nothing but a catchy phrase designed to fool public. The world is on verge of adopting a new, and perhaps healthier financial structure, and needs to decide how transition from old order to new one will take place. Regardless of what we are being fed by mainstream media, there is a rather different reality under appearances, and what is happening in world today has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism or jihad. Don’t believe hype!
Istanbul, TURKEY
| | Without CountryWritten by Terry Dashner
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If this sounds like a novel tale, it is. You might recall reading it in high school. Nolan is fictitious army officer in Edward Everett Hale’s story, “The Man without a Country.” Although it is fiction, nevertheless, it echoes certain truths. Any person who slanders his country simply because he cares to, that person inevitably will live to regret it. I want to take this thought one step further and say this: Any person who thinks he can live better without America has never traveled extensively outside it or fought on a battle field to preserve its precious liberties. (I will assume risks involved in making this blanket statement.) Funny thing, I don’t think any American citizen—not even Michael Moore—is willing to give up American wealth, security, fame, freedom or any other UNIQUE American liberty to leave and never return because America is too capitalistic, too conservative, too Bush Republican, or too far gone. I’d stake money on this if I were a gambler. So, maybe things aren’t really as bad as these lovers of spot light would have us think. Maybe they just want some attention. After all, those who give least, complain loudest for more. Keep faith. America stay course. You will be rewarded for your greatness in liberating oppressed. Pastor Terry Dashner Veteran of US Navy Retired police officer Husband and father of three grown children
Writes daily devotions for his church.