Written by Jeffrey Benson

Continued from page 1

Start today and you値l achieve anything you set your mind to Achieve. Nothing can stop you.

================================================ Cultivate The Habit To Reach Decisions Promptly ================================================

Those who reach decisions promptly and definitely know what they want and generally get it. This is a common trait of all leaders in every walk of life. They decide quickly and firmly.

When you reach a decision, be slow to change it! キAnalysis of several million-dollar earners shows that every one of them hadrepparttar habit of reaching decisions very promptly and changing these decisions very slowly, if at all.

Those who fail do justrepparttar 131221 opposite. The haverepparttar 131222 habit of reaching decisions very slowly and changing them very quickly.

=============================================== Don't Be Influenced By Other People's Opinions ===============================================

Opinions are a cheap commodity. People are ready to sell their opinions to you if you allow them to do so. The majority of people who fail to accumulate sufficient money for their needs are generally easily influenced by opinions of others. They let someone else do their thinking for them. This won't lead you to success

================================================== Don't Allow Others To Make Your Decisions For You ==================================================

You have a mind of your own. Use it productively and reach your own decision. If you need any facts or information from other people, gather this information quietly without disclosing your real purpose.

============================== Make Decisions Everyday ==============================

Focus and plan your day ahead and stick with your primary decision.

The power of decision can be found inrepparttar 131223 life of Honda Soichiro,repparttar 131224 founder ofrepparttar 131225 Honda Corporation that bears his name. This man has demonstratedrepparttar 131226 power of decision and we can all draw a great lesson from his life.

Despite all odds against him, he never allowed problems, challenges orrepparttar 131227 twist of circumstances to get in his way. He decided he must succeed and today his company is one ofrepparttar 131228 most successful inrepparttar 131229 world. Honda Corporation employs over 100,000 people and outsells all other motor companies inrepparttar 131230 U.S except Toyota. This is because Mr. Honda made up his mind to succeed.

I encourage everyone to read other people's success stories. You learn and gather inspirations and courage from those who have succeeded already.

I have written a book called "When The Going Gets Tough" where you値l findrepparttar 131231 story of Honda Soichiro. Inrepparttar 131232 book you can learnrepparttar 131233 easy principles of wealth accumulation. It will show yourepparttar 131234 steps so you can live life on your terms.

To get a copy of this book go to:

====================== Decide Now To Succeed ======================

Decide today to improve your life. Don稚 postpone anything any longer.

If you REALLY DECIDE today you値l find thatrepparttar 131235 shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Takerepparttar 131236 straight line now.

Success does not come to you by chance. You must systematically work towards it. You must plan life. Lure it to yourself. Poverty needs no plan.

If You Fail To Plan You Plan To Fail.

====================================================================== Jeffrey Benson isrepparttar 131237 CEO of Self Help Solutions Centre, a full time Internet Marketers and mail order guru. He is alsorepparttar 131238 vendor ofrepparttar 131239 acclaimed website design book "65 Instant Web Design Answers". He has just published a new book entitled "When The Going Gets Tough. A self help book to guide you into greatness and show you what next to do whenrepparttar 131240 going really gets tough. ======================================================================

Jeffrey is full time internet marketer.

Do You Forget Easily?

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

What else did you do today? Just add a visual representation of it under your clothespin. You値l be surprised how much this helps you.

Be creative. Enjoy your day -- and know that atrepparttar end of it, you値l remember everything you did!

*** TIP: This can also work for trying to remember what you want to do! Simply, inrepparttar 131218 morning, look atrepparttar 131219 clothesline of things you want to do orrepparttar 131220 8 hour calendar of things you want to Accomplish. If you make a strong enough visual representation, you値l remember everything easily.


Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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