Written by Caleb Galaraga

Continued from page 1

The ultimate reason for all of these is they have a great deal of focus in what their doing. That's why all their marketing efforts when combined and funnelled towards promoting that one product, service or opportunity they're selling-immediately results to big profits. And since their marketing is concentrated on only one entity, they possess a great advantage against those who have multiple entities to promote.

Application: Pick that one product, service or opportunity that's best for you and stick towards promoting that one thing. Use all your resources and combine all your marketing efforts towards promoting it. Find every means to advertise it. Utilize every tool to make your marketing more effective. And just and wait and see on how effective and swift things can be!

Caleb Galaraga is the editor of the Interactive Marketers Journal, the ezine that gives you practical, doable and effective marketing strategies weekly. You can subscribe by emailing


Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Why not start WRITING ARTICLES forrepparttar www and see what happens...transpires (nice word, eh?).You DON'T have to be a "professional" writer to write articles. You know more aboutrepparttar 121246 subject matter (based on your past knowledge and experiences) and especially YOUR business. It doesn't matter whether you have never written anything before, just make a beginning.

"Be bold and unseen forces come to your aid." (that is one of my favourite quotations - story of my life!).

Progress in life is accomplished by doingrepparttar 121247 basics right -repparttar 121248 "little chores day by day". Success is never instantaneous - in any field of endeavour. For a while it may appear as if you are not making a noticable difference through your substantial efforts (in time and dedication put in ). However, just keep "chipping away" at your online marketing long enough and I can assure you, you WILL get noticed with web traffic...even though it may take awhile. The key to internet marketing success is PERSISTENCE - takingrepparttar 121249 small steps daily and making them HABITS. writing articles! This whole business of internet marketing has been one long learning curve for us overrepparttar 121250 past five years - seeing what works and what doesn't... likerepparttar 121251 lessons of life itself.


Just make a beginning. Take that first step and you'll find that one step naturally leads torepparttar 121252 next. Asrepparttar 121253 ancient Chinese proverb so wisely said: "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a broken fanbelt and a leaky tyre... er sorry, a single step".

Good luck with those first few steps in writing articles forrepparttar 121254 www (without a broken and leaky pen) and ENJOYrepparttar 121255 journey.

Craig Lock has been marketing various products online for the past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be. The various books* Craig "felt inspired" to write are available at: and

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