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He was given freedom in our Capitalist society to start a business, which still stands today and is run by my father.
These are principles Ben Laden and terrorists were attacking. Not just people and property of America. They coldly and calculatedly were attacking hopes and dreams we stand for.
They are not crazy. They are not religious. No true Muslim, believes in killing of innocent.
They are not just anti-American, they are anti everything America stands for. We were last bastion of tranquility in world.
We were last place on Earth considered safe by every free thinking human on Earth.
That's why they sang God Bless America across globe yesterday. That's why a woman in France said everyone is an American today.
America is not just it's physical boundaries. It's not just it's people. It's a mind set. It's hopes and dreams of so many who've never even set foot on our shores.
With all our blessing comes responsibility to go forward and to keep "Great Experiment" alive.
We are here to stay and all we ask is "Don't Tread On Me."
God Bless America and God Bless everyone around globe who were Americans yesterday.
God Bless
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