Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1

When I arrived back torepparttar apartment in Blackshear where we were living, I ate something and sat down to rest. My daughter, Eva, came in from work and I could tell something was wrong with her. I said, "What's wrong Beaver?" Beaver is my nickname for her. Eva replied, "Daddy, I've got bad stomach cramps andrepparttar 114774 only thing I am craving is some of those little boiled potatoes." A smile came to my lips as I said, "Eva,repparttar 114775 LORD has grown something special for you to meet your need this very hour."

I drove back torepparttar 114776 country, went underrepparttar 114777 barn, picked uprepparttar 114778 new potatoes, came home, and cooked them for her. When she finished eating, she said, "Praise God, my stomach cramps are gone and I feel so much better." I replied, "See how much JESUS cares about you. You are special to Him."

Psalm 34,8 "O taste and see thatrepparttar 114779 LORD is good: Blessed isrepparttar 114780 man that trusteth in him."

copyright 2003 Irvin L. Rozier

preacher, author, ret military

Acne & Wrinkles at my age?

Written by Naweko San-Joyz

Continued from page 1

Oncerepparttar acne is under control you can move on torepparttar 114773 wrinkles. Another reason for treatingrepparttar 114774 zits first is because if you alter your lifestyle in such as way as to free yourself from acne, and you doing this in a healthy and patient fashion, you will actually lessenrepparttar 114775 number of wrinkles you have.

Health is wholeness and beauty is a reflection of robust health. You’ll never buy robust health in a jar. It is a mind, body, spirit and environmental support system that garners full-bodied health. Lets look at want you actually need from a “beauty cream”.

Face Cream Education There are five basic ingredients in any given anti-aging or anti-wrinkling cream.

1. The oil or moisturizer 2. The preservatives to keeprepparttar 114776 cream from spoiling. 3. A scent or flavor 4. A color 5. The active ingredient.

Only one of these components is essential,repparttar 114777 oil. The preservative is only needed to keeprepparttar 114778 cream useful. Your face does not need preservation becauserepparttar 114779 skin is alive. Since some people have allergies to scents and colors in cosmetics,repparttar 114780 body says that these two ingredients are not necessary. The active ingredient is usuallyrepparttar 114781 latest cosmetic drug or multivitamin that is supposed to lift or dramatically reverse your age by 5-20 years.

Researchers S. Jay Olshansky, Leonard Hayflick and Bruce A. Carnes bluntly comment onrepparttar 114782 antics of cosmetic companies in their report No Truth torepparttar 114783 Fountain of Youth, published inrepparttar 114784 June 2002 edition of Scientific American. The authors warn everyone aiming to reverserepparttar 114785 signs of times on their face that, “… anyone purporting to offer an anti-aging product today is either mistaken or lying”.

I bet you are thinking, “Won’t that oil make acne worse?” The answer is not if you are usingrepparttar 114786 right oil. Some essential oils such as bergamont, lavender, lemon, neroli, sandalwood, tea tree and ylang ylang have cleansing and antibacterial properties which help combat acne infections. Other essential oil like geranium, clary sage and orange regulaterepparttar 114787 production of oil onrepparttar 114788 face. When mixed with a carrier oil such as jojoba or camellia, these essential oils are ideal moisturizers.

Nothing that you put on your face will truly change your appearance. Creams are useful, but they are only one instrument in an orchestra of anti-aging concerts. Health starts onrepparttar 114789 inside. If you want to improve your beauty start with how you treat yourself and feed yourself. I mean not only what foods you eat but what thoughts you eat.

You may eat thoughts ofrepparttar 114790 sort, “I can’t…”, “I had a stressful day”, “I’m tired of…”, “I can’t wait until…”, “I’m getting old”, “My body isn’t as healthy as it used to be”. The menu is endless. If you want to look young and healthy, you have to think young and healthy thoughts. Here’s steps to jumpstart your quest:

Start by changing your thinking. Develop your own youth model, i.e. with steps you’ll take to maintain your vitality and stick to it.

Enjoy nutritious foods. A study inrepparttar 114791 Journal of American College of Nutrition found that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and using olive oil every day could help keep wrinkles away. The researchers found that people who ate a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, beans, olive oil, nuts and multigrain breads, while avoiding butter, red meat and sugary goodies, were less predisposed to wrinkling. Researchers believe that antioxidant vitamins, such as A, C and E, which are found in fruits and vegetables, may help protectrepparttar 114792 skin from environmental damage.

Use a gentle cleanser each day.

Steam your face everyday for 5-15 minutes, especially if your have acne. The steam removes waxy build-up onrepparttar 114793 skin while it stimulates circulation. This combo of benefits cleans to pores to reducerepparttar 114794 possibility of acne while firming uprepparttar 114795 skin and facial muscles.

Exfoliate your skin daily. Moisturize your face inrepparttar 114796 morning and evening with natural oils. In addition torepparttar 114797 acne fighting oils listed above, you can mix essential oils such as frankinsense, myrrh, neroli and rose to help encouragerepparttar 114798 growth of new skin cells. You can create a moisturizer by diluting 1-3 of your favorite essential oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba or camellia oil in a ration of 1 part essential oil to 3 parts carrier oil.

Massage your face daily when you apply your facial oil.

Lie down on an incline bench for 5-20 minutes each day to letrepparttar 114799 blood flow to your head.

Wear a sunhat inrepparttar 114800 sun.

Give yourself a light skin peel once a month.

Finally, forty can still be fabulous and your beauty-plan a lot less enigmatic. Just rememberrepparttar 114801 basics, interpretrepparttar 114802 messages of your zits, and educate yourself about wrinkle creams- you don’t need them. Naweko San-Joyz is a graduate of Stanford University. She recently published “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne”. To challenge and verify her research, San-Joyz trains for figure competitions. She currently writes health articles from her home in San Diego.

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