Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

In all, there is no bad stage to life. Each and every segment of our being has potential and possibility. As children we dream, as adults we do, and as seniors we remember and instruct. Each life cycle is wonderful in its own right and we need each and every one of them to have a world that is bright and as close to miraculous as we can get. We are never out forrepparttar count unless we choose to be. There is no bypassingrepparttar 123866 system, sorepparttar 123867 only beneficial way is to keep looking ahead, enjoying whatever stage were in, and also relishing whatrepparttar 123868 other age-groups have to offer. There is delight in young and old eyes alike, andrepparttar 123869 tales are endless. A young child invents stories, adults seek out facts, and older people weave life into bite-size pieces. Our hands can age but our hearts stay in tune with our souls. We are what we want to be but then even that can change if we desire it. Whether its a child, an adult, or a senior citizen, there is life at its best! For conveniencerepparttar 123870 calendar tell us where we are in life. But life is not a page in a diary book, it is a living, breathing, beautiful experience that can light uprepparttar 123871 universe and outshinerepparttar 123872 stars. We are life - so ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 June

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, motivational booklets, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES Websites:


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

There are no set steps you must take to reach success. There are just basic issues to overcome and control. These are few and simple. You must believe in what you do, be willing to share your knowledge and expertise with others, and acknowledge that others haverepparttar same rights to success as you do.

Simple, yes, easy-no. If you can laugh at your own mistakes, but not at those of others, and if you fail at anything, but can findrepparttar 123865 strength to get back up, then you are onrepparttar 123866 road to success. If an elderly person holds your respect, and a child makes you believe in life itself, then you are successful. If you shakerepparttar 123867 hand of an individual down on his luck as warmly as you do that of a statesman, then you are successful.

Its all in where your heart is and if you haverepparttar 123868 courage to follow it. You don’t have to be exceptionally intelligent, nor endowed with great beauty or strength, you just have to be comfortable in being you. If someone made a movie of your life, featuring your motives, methods, and yes, even madness, would you cry, laugh, or applaud? Would you want to stand next in line to you, and more importantly, are you at ease when you are alone with you?

Success is in essence immeasurable. Yet, others lay a yardstick to it day after day. Your life will decide your success, and your own peace of mind will insure it. So, let each day be a step toward hearing, “A job well done,” when allrepparttar 123869 cards are onrepparttar 123870 table, and there is no more playing time. Success - my toast to you! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 June

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, motivational booklets, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES Websites:

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