Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1

On January 3, 1987, about 9:30 PM, I looked up onrepparttar bookshelf. There was that Bible my Mama had given me years ago. I pulled it down, dusted offrepparttar 126744 cover, and opened it up. The words ofrepparttar 126745 Psalmist (Psalm 40. 1,2,) jumped offrepparttar 126746 pages and spoke to my heart. As tears poured down my cheeks, I said "God, if You are real, save me!" Immediately Jesus came, and I was born again and I knew it! I felt like I was being washed whiter than snow.

You see, I had been under conviction ofrepparttar 126747 Holy Ghost for a long time. God rearrangedrepparttar 126748 circumstances of my life to get my attention. Thank God for a Mama who thought enough of me to give me a Bible.

Matthew 11.28 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Since that day over 17 years ago,repparttar 126749 Lord has used me all kinds of ways...Parents, don't give up on your children..Continue to pray for them

Irvin L. Rozier, Captain (Retired) US Army, still serving as a soldier in God's Army

preacher, author, retired Captain, US Army


Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Continued from page 1

I asked her if I could pray for her and she said okay. As I began to pray,repparttar presence ofrepparttar 126743 Lord came in a powerful way. I askedrepparttar 126744 Lord to reveal his love to her, and there at her baby's grave, she was born again.

The Lord told me to help her by giving her a little money. She tried to refuse to take it, but I insisted it was fromrepparttar 126745 Lord. She said, "I will repay you some way."

Three weeks later, this 42 year old woman was brutally murdered. I spoke at her funeral and relayed what had taken place three weeks prior atrepparttar 126746 cemetery. This wasrepparttar 126747 repayment to me and a great comfort for her family.

About a month later, one of her sisters called me and asked me to go to their house and have a service forrepparttar 126748 family. Her brother and sisters, mother and father, and most ofrepparttar 126749 grandchildren were present. I preached Jesus to them andrepparttar 126750 Lord graciously blessed.

Since that time, her brother, her Daddy, and one of her nieces(21 years old) have gone on to be withrepparttar 126751 Lord. Surely,repparttar 126752 Lord is good!

Matthew 4.19 "And he said unto them, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

Irvin L. Rozier, Captain(Retired) US Army...still serving as a soldier in God's Army

Irvin at

preacher, author, retired Captain, US Army

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