Written by Russell Burnham

Continued from page 1

I can't teach you how to communicate your confidence in a short article, but I can teach you some basics you can use today to help you increase your sales.

BASIC 1: Readrepparttar sales letter you have for one ofrepparttar 127402 products that you're offering to others. Only read what's actually written, and pay particular attention to your headline. Does your sales letter make YOU want it?

(If you don't have a sales letter for every product you offer, you should write one and lay everything onrepparttar 127403 line, tellrepparttar 127404 whole relevant story and create want and curiosity.)

BASIC 2: Your audience buys results, not products. Does your sales letter tell over and over, and in different ways exactly howrepparttar 127405 product or service will enhance their lives? Bullet points are good for doing that.

BASIC 3: People decide to buy for emotional reasons, then they seek to justify their decision with facts and logic. That's one thing your bonuses and guarantee are for.

BASIC 4: Curiosity Rules. You lead your reader through your copy with curiosity. You let them know whatrepparttar 127406 product or service is, how their lives will be made easier quickly, how simple it is, that they can do it, and how to get it. You never tell how it is done. (Very few exceptions)

BASIC 5: Building credibility boils down to getting personal and almost intimate (not sexual) with your reader. Let him or her know how to contact you, how you've helped others - preferably with testimonials, but not necessarily if your product or service is brand new. (That's covered in a different article altogether.) Tell them about yourself in such a way so they trust you.

BASIC 6: Ease of order and quickness of delivery. The easier it is to order,repparttar 127407 more orders you'll get. The quickerrepparttar 127408 delivery,repparttar 127409 more orders you'll get.

BASIC 7: Does your whole letter convey your own personal confidence in what you're offering? It better.

Russell Burnham, Ph.D. A Kickin' Home Study Course on Working the Web

Turning your media pitch into a media hit

Written by Todd Brabender

Continued from page 1

25% occur afterrepparttar 1st - 2nd pitch 50% occur afterrepparttar 127401 3rd - 5th pitch 25% occur afterrepparttar 127402 6th - 8th pitch

Sometimes (in fact most times) a strong placement happens when a release hits an editor atrepparttar 127403 right place atrepparttar 127404 right time. Sure you may have pitch that media contact three times overrepparttar 127405 last few weeks, but perhaps that reporter/editor/producer didn't haverepparttar 127406 time orrepparttar 127407 editorial space to work your release into a placement. Your opportunity for placements increases with meticulous, media follow-ups and re-pitches. What many business owners/entrepreneurs don't realize isrepparttar 127408 majority of media outlets fail to respond until afterrepparttar 127409 third or fourth pitch. I continue to be amazed and amused atrepparttar 127410 editor/producer who, upon receiving my pitch forrepparttar 127411 fourth time, says "I'm so glad you reminded me of this release!" or "Great timing! This will fit perfectly in a feature were doing this week/month!" Ifrepparttar 127412 release had just been pitched once and not followed up, those placements would not have taken place.

So make sure your PR staff orrepparttar 127413 company you've hired isn't afraid to wind up and pitch your campaign multiple times. Just like in baseball,repparttar 127414 more pitches there are -repparttar 127415 better chances you get to make a hit.

Todd Brabender Spread The News Public Relations, Inc. Generating publicity & media exposure for innovative products/businesses/websites. (785) 842-8909

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