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Continued from page 1

PC - from £500 up to £2,000. The cost depends on how powerful a PC you need for your work ISDN line (optional, depending on your line of work) - British Telecom can convert your phone line to ISDN for £99 Fax machine - from £100 Printer - less than £100 for a basic model

The drawbacks:

Working from home can be a very isolating experience for some people. Ask yourself if you arerepparttar type of person who thrives in a buzzy environment with lots of noise and chatter around you. If so, home working may not be for you. Spending time away fromrepparttar 100274 office will distance you from day-to-day activity, so it is vital to keep in touch. Think of all those snippets of information you pick up during a week at work, from useful gossip about your clients and rivals to tip-offs about potential jobs. If possible, avoid a job where you spend all your time at home - try and get into your workplace for one or two days. It might be appropriate to arrange catch-up meetings with your boss or peers, just to make sure that you are kept inrepparttar 100275 loop. Also try to attend any major company events whether they are social or official. As well as keeping up to date, you'll remind everyone you're still part ofrepparttar 100276 team. Click onrepparttar 100277 link below to read more interesting but educational articles now.

Emmanuel is the President/Ceo of Visit the link below for my Webblog.

How to Position Yourself as an Expert

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

Now you're getting in front of hundreds or even thousands of prospective clients. It's not an ad. It's better than an ad. You're presenting yourself as a true expert, withrepparttar implicit endorsement ofrepparttar 100273 editor ofrepparttar 100274 publication.

>> Accept those invitations to speak

Once your name has appeared asrepparttar 100275 author of a sufficient number of useful, expert articles, you'll start getting invitations to speak. If they don't come your way, start looking for them.

You can start out small, speaking to local business groups and marketing associations. If all goes well, you'll soon find yourself with opportunities to speak to much larger groups at industry conferences.

And yes, being a speaker earns you major expert points.

>> Time to write a book?

Nothing brings you expert status faster than beingrepparttar 100276 author of a book. Do you know enough on your subject to write a book? It may take a little time before you're ready. Butrepparttar 100277 more articles you write andrepparttar 100278 more times you speak,repparttar 100279 deeper your knowledge will grow.

In addition, articles and speaking engagements generate feedback from your readers and listeners. Andrepparttar 100280 more feedback you get,repparttar 100281 better you will know what it is people really want and need to know.

If you can get published and distributed by a major publishing house, so muchrepparttar 100282 better. If not, self-publish. You'll need to do a lot of promoting to getrepparttar 100283 sales, but you can earn more money from each book sold and still confirm your status as an expert in your field.

>> Concluding thoughts

After a while you'll find yourself writing articles, speaking at public and corporate events and signing copies of your book or books at every opportunity.

At that point you will have truly earned your stripes as an expert and will find yourself with a very impressive list of clients and prospects.

Start writing!

Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author and speaker. You can access all his newsletter articles on writing for the web at his site. You'll find more articles and resources on how to make money as a freelance writer at

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