Written by Josie Ash

Continued from page 1

It also means that, sometimes, if you have to juggle from one area ofrepparttar budget to make up for a shortfall in another area temporarily - you've gotrepparttar 106849 cash to do it. Or, if you have to put out a great deal of money for seasonal inventory, for example, but you won't make it back in sales for several months, you can manage - if you have a positive cash flow.

4. Mission.

You may think that your business will 'make it or break it' based on your cash flow, but equally important torepparttar 106850 successful life of your business is its mission.

What is it that your business is setting out to accomplish? If you are not too sure about what your company's mission is, think of it this way. Your business - whether you are selling widgets or words - will not succeed unless it is filling a consumer need. Consumers have needs because they have problems that must be solved.

So, quite simply, if your business can provide a SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM, you'll succeed. Write out a mission statement detailing whatrepparttar 106851 'problem' is, and how whatever your company has will solve that problem - and you've got yourself a mission statement.

Keep these four things in mind throughoutrepparttar 106852 life of your business, and you're bound to succeed.

Josie Ash has paid attention to the four things she needs to succeed, and the results are a small business of her own at


Written by Jim Finucan

Continued from page 1

“That’s ridiculous.” “How naïve do you think I am?” “Who do you think you’re kidding?” “Do you handle all your business affairs as pathetically as this?” “Dorepparttar other businesses you deal with know you’re in such a bad situation?”

If he is having trouble paying some of his bills it’s likelyrepparttar 106848 other people he deals with aren’t aware of his situation, because he knows they won’t stand forrepparttar 106849 kind of crap he is pulling on you, so he doesn’t try it on them.. And you shouldn’t let him pull it on you, either.

He wants you to feel sorry for him. By creating a situation where he has to lie, and then making him explain his lies he may begin to realize just how pathetic he sounds to others. I firmly believe that even someone with a comatose conscience can be awakened and turned around by using this approach.

Jim Finucan is a “top gun” bill collector who has been bringing in unpaid bucks for over a dozen years. He is the author of “Past Due A Debt Collections Manual”

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