Written by Peter Sinclair

Continued from page 1

The interior's architecture must be changed first and foremost beforerepparttar exterior's beauty can begin to shine.

That's why, if I dump a million dollars on your doorstep and you have never handled a million dollars in your life before, statistics tell us thatrepparttar 123677 million dollars will slip through your fingers in no time fast.

So what do you do?

Become, as Robert Kiyosaki so eloquently shares, 'financially literate.'

To be successful you must first think successful thoughts.

To win you must first think winning thoughts.

The battleground is found within your mind and it is there thatrepparttar 123678 battle must be waged.

Positive thoughts injected into your life on a consistent basis, backed by positive action, will lead to positive results.

That is one reason why I soak myself inrepparttar 123679 biographies of great men and women who have lived and are still living.

That is why I am always reading half a dozen books all at once and a few extra onrepparttar 123680 side.

That is why I read with pencil in hand and notebook at repparttar 123681 ready waiting to capture that thought that will leap fromrepparttar 123682 page and be imbedded in my mind. This is so that not only I am benefited but that those who read my writings receiverepparttar 123683 'best ofrepparttar 123684 best'.

Read as a student, always atrepparttar 123685 ready to pluck a nugget of gold from withinrepparttar 123686 dusty pages of a volume you have uncovered. Riches untold will not stay away from your door.





What births passion?

What produces drive?

What steers creative workmanship?

What forces courage to rise from within?

Winston Churchill was a man driven by destiny. He had an insatiable appetite for hard work and for learning. Whether it was politics, painting, writing, journalism, bricklaying or any other pursuit, he was gleaning from others, reading and studying, and with that 'fill of information' he would forge his way ahead intorepparttar 123687 unknown withrepparttar 123688 confidence that nothing was impossible to him.

Did he always get it right? Was he infallible? No. His life was filled with flaws and he committed reprehensible errors that not only impacted his life but even destroyedrepparttar 123689 lives of many others alongrepparttar 123690 way.

And yet, he would rise up and above 'the black dog' that often overwhelmed him, leftrepparttar 123691 errors committed behind him and pushed on ahead unrelentlessly.

And that is what it takes if you are going to preserverepparttar 123692 same dominating purpose throughout your lifetime.

Winston never forgot this, even when he was inrepparttar 123693 political wilderness that lasted ten years before being called upon to lead his nation against Hitler.

With this example as our guide, each of us need to ask ourselves:

What is my dominating purpose?

That's right.

If I was to ask you to give me in one sentence what is your dominating purpose is, could you answer me?

It is an important question, that any human being, who wants to not only exist on planet earth, but rather to contribute something of significance during their lifetime, needs to ask themselves until they find a satisfactory answer?

Some other ways of asking yourselfrepparttar 123694 same question are:

What is your passion?

What is your dream?

What is your burning desire?

What gets you more excited than anything else in this world?

Findrepparttar 123695 answer to these questions and you will be at repparttar 123696 starting gates forrepparttar 123697 fulfillment of your dominating purpose.

Don't waste another minute on planet earth without having this question settled in your mind once and for all.

You have been born for a purpose; a dominating purpose.

Motivational Memo forrepparttar 123698 Week: A dominating purpose isrepparttar 123699 pulsating heart of a successful life.

You can do it!

Peter Sinclair '...where Quality Motivational Content is Paramount!'

© Peter Sinclair, 2000-2003 All rights reserved.

Peter Sinclair is the creator of the 'Weekly Motivational Memo', the 'Daily Motivational Memo' and the original 'Cartoon Motivational Memo'. Complete details about Peter's motivational products, services and his FREE weekly FREE eZine can be found at

The Problem With New Year's Resolutions

Written by Cyndi Smasal

Continued from page 1

It's easy to startrepparttar New Year with good intentions and a list of resolutions. But it's hard to follow through with those resolutions all year. Sometimes they don't last a month or even a week. Another reason it's hard to follow through and keep a resolution isrepparttar 123676 lack of a support system. Everything in your life is set up for you to do thingsrepparttar 123677 old way. In order to start doing something new, you have to set a new structure and support system in place to reinforce your new behavior until it becomes a new lifestyle.

This New Year, instead of making resolutions, think about what outcomes you want to have atrepparttar 123678 end of next year. Then establish a structure and support system with allrepparttar 123679 resources you need to make it happen.

================= Cyndi Smasal: Jump-Start Coach & Inspirational Speaker Gives focused one-on-one Coaching to people who want to make big leaps forward in their business or personal life. Send email to for a FREE 30-minute Coaching Experience. Ph:512/847/6888

Cyndi Smasal is a "Jump-Start" Coach and Inspirational Speaker who inspires people to manifest their dream. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, 15 years start-up experience and specializes in working with entrepreneurs who want to start, focus, or expand their business without giving up their life. Send e-mail to for a FREE Coaching Session or visit for more information.

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