Written by Dean Erickson

Continued from page 1

The most popular shorthair variety isrepparttar Siamese. The Siamese has blue eyes and colored ears, face, tail and paws in contrast torepparttar 125672 rest ofrepparttar 125673 body. This breed has a long and slender body.

How to chooserepparttar 125674 breed you want?

Although all kittens and cats can have very different personalities, breed specific characteristics can aid in making your decision. Attending a cat show is an excellent way to get a real life idea of what you may expect and to find out what you are really looking for.

Considerrepparttar 125675 length ofrepparttar 125676 coat,repparttar 125677 size ofrepparttar 125678 adult cat, what some ofrepparttar 125679 breed traits are. Does this breed of cat generally need a lot of grooming, are they a family oriented breed or do they bond better with one person? Isrepparttar 125680 breed more active as an adult or more of a lap cat?

Every different breed of cat has its own personal needs, but generally they are flexible and can be accommodated in various homes and apartments and don't mind being left alone. That's what makes catrepparttar 125681 all-time favorite pet for people with demanding lifestyles and long work hours.

Dean Erickson. Journalist, and web site builder Dean Erickson lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of on which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.


Written by Dean Erickson

Continued from page 1

The Asian breeds, influenced by Arabian or Persian breeds, are small and relatively plain horses but known for their intelligence. Such breeds includerepparttar Tartar, Kirghis, Mongol and Cossack horses.

Lesser known breeds includerepparttar 125671 Kladruber, a strong harness horse, which originates from Czechoslovakia. The Brabançon, from Belgium, is a heavy and powerful horse. The Nonius Stallion, from Hungary, is a compact horse of good temperament and is also a competitive riding horse. Fjord Ponies from Western Norway are popular in Scandanavia. They are short, but have hardy strong legs.

Even lesser known breeds arerepparttar 125672 Maremmano orrepparttar 125673 Tuscan horse originating fromrepparttar 125674 coast of Tuscany. This is a good working horse, once used byrepparttar 125675 Italian Cavalry, and even nowadays quite suited to police and army work, especially because of its calm but determined temperament. The Wielkopolski is a popular competition horse originating from Poland.

There are detailed descriptions of each breed of horse online. As well as great information there are hundreds of pictures of different horse breeds.

Dean Erickson. Journalist, and web site builder Dean Erickson lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of on which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.

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