Written by Terry L. Sumerlin

Continued from page 1

For instance, at a time when an incredible number of folks are traveling NOTHING happened to us. We weren’t involved in an accident, we didn’t get a traffic ticket and we didn’t have a breakdown. And,repparttar rest ofrepparttar 129454 family returned home safely by plane and auto.

Also, nothing having to do with poor health prevented any of us from being atrepparttar 129455 gathering. NOTHING that’s life-threatening is wrong with any of us. Much for which to be thankful.

J.B. was kind enough to fill in atrepparttar 129456 shop whilerepparttar 129457 rest of us (barbers) were away. NOTHING out ofrepparttar 129458 ordinary happened. There was no plumbing problem, no electrical problem and no customer problem. It went very smoothly, as expected.

At home, we found everything just as we left it. Our cat was fine andrepparttar 129459 house was comfortable and cozy. NOTHING had gone wrong there.

What is my point?

BARBER-OSOPHY: When we’re inclined to complain because of what we don’t have, maybe we should make a list ofrepparttar 129460 many “nothings” for which we ought to be very thankful.

Copyright 2004, Sumerlin Enterprises.

Permission is granted for you to copy this article for distribution as long asrepparttar 129461 above copyright and contact information is included. Please reference or include a link to

Terry L. Sumerlin, known as the Barber-osopher, is the author of "Barber-osophy," is a columnist for the San Antonio Business Journal and speaks nationally as a humorist/motivational speaker.

Is Setting Personal Goals REALLY Necessary?

Written by Colin Dunbar

Continued from page 1

Without a doubt, having personal goals keeps your enthusiasm up.

Using a map for our holiday

It is usual for us to consult a map when we go on holiday, and yet, sadly, forrepparttar holiday of life, we don't consider consulting a map for this important journey. And when we don't reach our destination, we become frustrated and annoyed. Yet, when we go on holiday, without a map, and we get lost we similarly get annoyed. And yet, this something we don't repeatedly do. Your goals, and especially your goal path, is your map for your life.

Having goals, or atrepparttar 129452 very least, a goal, will enable you to know where you're going in life. Goals do give us direction.

Thomas Edison is well-known for saying he didn't fail, but found 10 000 ways it didn't work. He had thousands of attempts over many years to inventrepparttar 129453 electric light bulb, but he knew exactly what he wanted, and his goal kept him going until he achieved it.

Oprah Winfrey was an abused child who was determined to make a better life for herself. Michelle Kwan had a goal to berepparttar 129454 best skater inrepparttar 129455 world.

If you want proof that goal setting works, and is valuable in your life, think of musicians. They are one ofrepparttar 129456 best examples of having determination in not only setting, but also achieving their goals. Athletes don't become record holders by chance - it is only through effective goal setting. Top sales people work consciously at their goals, and as result become star performers. No-one becomes an astronaut by accident.

Every person who becomes successful in whatever field or area they choose, followed a goal path - a map to achieve their success.

Role of an effective goal setting system

If you have a dream, and want to achieve something better in life, having a goal can bring you success.

An effective goal setting system must get you on your road to success. It should also give yourepparttar 129457 tools to enable you to gain confidence in reaching your goal. There are many books and programs available that can help you set your goal. It is my belief that anyone can set a goal, butrepparttar 129458 important thing is to reach your goal.

An effective goal setting system should be a blueprint, and enable you to determine where you want to go with your life, and be an aid to keeping you on your goal path.

Having a goal, success is possible. Without goals, success is rarely possible - whatever area in your life.

Colin Dunbar is the creator of eaziGOAL, the system that offers you 12 practical and proven goal setting tools to enable you to get what you want. Manual, workbook with goal setting worksheets, PLUS companion software. FREE newsletter.

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