Written by Kenn Gividen

Continued from page 1

“And what if I buy this stuff and find out its crap?”

The group chuckled at my naiveté.

“I cut my arm off a year ago and took some of these here vitamins,” one guy testified. “And whaddaya know?! My arm grew back. Hairs and all.”

Chief Scamster then told how to makerepparttar big bucks roll in.

First, be your own best customer. Dumping all your cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and cosmetics inrepparttar 103184 trash and replacing them with overpriced concentrate is a sure sign of financial genius, he explained. What’s more, it’s important to believe in your product.

Second, make a list of everyone you want to annoy. This includes friends, family, coworkers and everyone inrepparttar 103185 white pages fromrepparttar 103186 three nearest towns.

Third, systematically annoy everyone on your list. Invite them out to dinner where they, too, can be immersed in a crowd of glassy-eyed, goofy-looking scamsters.

Fourth, act giddy. Phony enthusiasm is a proven sales gimmick, especially when coupled with idiotic product testimonials.

Fifth, emphasizerepparttar 103187 success potential by pointing outrepparttar 103188 vast number of gullible people who think they are all destined to be pyramid millionaires.

Sixth, ask your friends if they would like to quit their jobs and work part time for a six-figure income. (Don’t tell them that four ofrepparttar 103189 six digits are torepparttar 103190 right ofrepparttar 103191 decimal.)

Seventh, never use words like “multi-level marketing” because someone may getrepparttar 103192 idea that your multi-level marketing scheme is a multi-level marketing scheme.

Eighth, projectrepparttar 103193 image of success by buying a new Lexus. Getting in debt up to your glassy eyeballs is a tried-and-proven sales strategy.

Ninth, just think of allrepparttar 103194 stuff you can deduct from your income taxes, like one eighth of your bedroom if you userepparttar 103195 corner for a home-office. Yes sir, you can pave your road to riches by wasting long hours for a tiny tax deduction.

Tenth, stay motivated by wasting an obscene amount of money on motivational tapes and CDs. Someday, when you hitrepparttar 103196 big time, you, too, can screw your down line out of thousands of dollars.

Next week. How to retire early buying lottery tickets.



Build A Successful Business By Staying Connected

Written by Lawrence Deon

Continued from page 1

Don’t be afraid to use your creativity to come up with even more innovative ideas.

If you haverepparttar time, start your own networking group. You could hold meetings at a local seminar room, at a park, or at your own business building. If you want to hold meetings on-line use a private chat room.

Publish a print or e-mail newsletter to keep members informed of meeting time and dates.

Keep all your business associates' contact information all in one place. Have it organized by business type or profession for easy finding so when you need some advice on a new marketing campaign you can call that marketing expert you met at that trade show in Ohio a couple of weeks ago.

Networking is a surefire way to build a successful business. I have used it countless times and will continue too. I have also met a lot of business people who are now some of my closest friends.

When you network you just can’t lose!

Lawrence Deon is an SEO/SEM Consultant and author of the popular search engine optimization and marketing model Ranking Your Way To The Bank. http://www.rankingyourwaytothebank.com

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