Written by Sunil Tanna

Continued from page 1


When you get your own domain name, you can set it up so that you have email addresses containing your domain name. For example, yourname@yourcompany.com

Doesn't that look a lot more professional that an ISP, hotmail or yahoo address?


If you get a domain name contains keywords that describe your site's topic it can help boost your search engine rank (and thus help you get more visitors).


Search engines can sometimes be sensitive beasts. For example, they don't like being spamdexed with lots of junk pages, and to stop it they either penalise sites which contain junk pages, or may place limits onrepparttar maximum number of pages that can be indexed per domain.

If you don't have your own domain name, other people's web sites who simply sharerepparttar 143299 same hosting service with you, can cause your site to drop downrepparttar 143300 search engine results - or even disappear from search engines completely!

Onrepparttar 143301 other hand, if you have your own domain, you won't have these kinds of problems: you're responsible for and only affected by your own web site's content.


Lots of folks don't consider a site serious, if it doesn't have its own domain name - and that includes some directory editors.

Go look for yourself in Yahoo! and see how many commercial sites you can find which don't have a domain name... Answer: Not many.


When new people encounter your business throughrepparttar 143302 web, they only know you from what they see. Do you really want to look some fly-by-night who can't afford $20 per year to register their own domain name?


When you register a domain name, it identities you (or your business). Do you really want somebody else grabbing domain names that identify you, your business, your products, or (if applicable) your trademarks?

Sure, if somebody else does register a domain name that infringes your rights, you might be able to callrepparttar 143303 lawyers in, and perhaps get it back... but wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to avoid this hassle inrepparttar 143304 first place by registeringrepparttar 143305 domains yourself?


When people type in URLs, they sometimes can make typing errors or misspellrepparttar 143306 URL. You might consider registeringrepparttar 143307 most common spelling errors of your URL, so that these people still end-up at your site (ask your web host if you need help with setting this up).


Some people have made a lot of money registering and trading in domain names. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that provided that they don't infringe others' trademark or proprietary rights ("cybersquatting").

So there, exactly as promised, arerepparttar 143308 10 good reasons to register a domain name... but I'll add one more, and it's a reason that you should act today:


As already mentioned, domain names are being registered at a truly incredible rate. You know what that means? If you wait,repparttar 143309 domain name you want could soon be taken - so register it today.

This article is Copyright (C) 2005, Answers 2000 Limited.

About the Author: This article was written by Sunil Tanna of Answers 2000. For more information about domain names, and several advanced (and free) domain search tools, please visit http://www.domaincavern.com/

Domain Name - How To Pick One

Written by Halstatt Pires

Continued from page 1

The third issue concernsrepparttar nature of your site and search engine optimization. If you are shooting for a particular keyword phrase, you may be better off using that keyword phrase in your domain name. Google, for instance, looks atrepparttar 140964 domain name when evaluating a site. Ifrepparttar 140965 words in your domain name are spaced with dashes, many believe it will help inrepparttar 140966 ranking process. This is why you see so many xxx-xxxx-xxx.com domain names onrepparttar 140967 net. If your business focuses on a very specific area, strong consideration should be given to using relevant keywords in your domain name.

Finally, your domain name should end in “.com” and I don’t want to hear any argument or see any rolling ofrepparttar 140968 eyes. The simple fact is that when people think of sites, they always type in .com. Yes, there are other extensions and .us, .net, .biz, etc., may seem unique, but it kills your traffic. Pavlov and his dog experiments had it right. People have been mentally conditioned to type in .com, so don’t select any other ending. If you do, a smart competitor will registerrepparttar 140969 .com version of your name to get some free traffic. If you are really lucky, a porn site will do it!

Take a breath before you select a domain name. Like a spouse, it can be either a good or bad choice.

Halstatt Pires is with http://www.marketingtitan.com - an Internet marketing and advertising company comprised of a search engine optimization specialist providing meta tag optimization services and Internet marketing consultant providing internet marketing solutions through integrated design and programming services.

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