Written by Gina Novelle of www.thirdpocket.com

Continued from page 1

You can purchase a name without a web site. Read that again. You can buy just a name! Oh, no one told you that? Here’srepparttar best part! You can redirect that name to an existing web site, to a free web site, or even to a page on a web site. That’s right! You can pick any name and have it redirected. Think of it, as call forwarding! If your current name is notrepparttar 103769 most advantageous torepparttar 103770 search engines, or is too long, you can buy a better name, and have it automatically pull up your web site. Just like call forwarding your phone, only your new web site address is seen online.

I’m not affiliated with this company, but I’ve been working with them for over 5 years. They only sell names, and ways to redirect them. When you purchase a name from them, you also get redirection e-mail for free. I’ll explain more about redirection e-mail inrepparttar 103771 part II of this article. For now, check out, namescure.com.

Using their home page, you will be able to type in a web name you want to purchase. You will be surprised that so many ofrepparttar 103772 names are already taken. Get creative and think of something unique. Take your time!

You must open an account with Namesecure which includes a user name and password. I found it easier to first setuprepparttar 103773 account, then purchaserepparttar 103774 name. Their web site can be confusing to new users, so go slow. Don’t go crazy and purchase names you will not use. I know it is tempting, because names on this site are reasonably priced. Don’t purchase extra stuff! Withrepparttar 103775 name, you automatically get e-mail forwarding. Buyrepparttar 103776 name for only 2 years, asrepparttar 103777 web changes quickly.

The order is usually processed in about two days, sometimes in 15 minutes. The name will then appear in your account. Sign back into your account, then click onrepparttar 103778 word “modify/update” next to your name. A new page appears and onrepparttar 103779 third tab below your new name you will see “Web Settings.” That is where you tellrepparttar 103780 new name to redirect to your existing web site. The amount of time to redirect also varies. I’ve had some names redirect in 10 minutes, others took 8 hours.

So now you know, multiple names that redirect appear as multiple web sites. Don’t miss Part II of this article – online now!

Gina Novelle is a published free lance writer! She writes “How-To” articles, press releases, and other informational articles. She works with clients that want to obtain a web presence, and is available to write for you. You can email her at Gina at Exclusive Markets. Her Background can be found at Gina's Wall Plaques.


Written by Alvah Parker

Continued from page 1

Another idea for leverage is to develop strategic partners. These are people who can point you inrepparttar right direction. They might introduce you to someone who is hiring or know people who need your product or service. They may be in a complimentary industry and be willing to recommend you or your service to their clients. Think of strategic partners as people who are holdingrepparttar 103768 lever with you so you can move that rock farther and/or faster.

Use your accomplishments for leverage too. They give you credibility with customers or hiring managers. Cassy’s letter of resignation underlined what she had learned in her current job. She leveraged what she had for an opportunity to learn something new.

Take Action:

1.What small action can you take in your work or personal life that will result in a big move forward? Write down what you want to accomplish (the result) and brainstorm ideas to move forward quickly or dramatically. Try brainstorming alone, with a friend and/or with your coach.

2.Write or update your business or career plan for 2005. What will you be doing to move your business or career forward?

3.Check your address book and business card collection. Look for strategic partners who have helped you inrepparttar 103769 past or who you think can help you know. Make an appointment with them to discuss your idea for working with them.

4.Make a list of other ways to leverage what you already have in your business, career or job. I’d love to make a list of ideas on using leveraging in business, career and life. If you are willing to share yours, please send them to me at asparker@asparker.com

5. Talk about leverage -- Read Barbara Corcoran's book "Use What You've Got and Other Business Lessons I Learned From My Mom."

Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker’s Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Alvah is found on the web at www.asparker.com. She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.

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