Written by Larry Johnson

Continued from page 1

5) Based on your final core selection, make up some phrases that will serve as your taglines for consideration. Keep them short and use simple, everyday language.

Which of these taglines would you remember best ? :


"Joe's auto repair shop,repparttar lowest-prices andrepparttar 121176 best service" OR "Quality Care For Your Car !"


"The Best Tax Service Anywhere Around The Town !" OR "Your Tax Experts At Work !"


"Emergengy ambulance service available 24-hours a day" OR "When Minutes Count!"


Well, you getrepparttar 121177 idea!

Do some test marketing with your final two or three best taglines. Discoverrepparttar 121178 one that works best for you and incoporate it into all of your promotional messages.

Remember, like any of life's endeavors, experience and practice help to improve your skills level. If you want to be a good writer, write a lot !

Best of luck in your promotional efforts !

Larry Johnson, Author (C) 1999-2001, All Rights Reserved.

Copy of article available for reprint at:


Article may be reprinted with permission by includingrepparttar 121179 following resource box: ==================================== Biz Site Biz E-zine Gives you powerful weekly tips and concepts for marketing and promoting online. Come on down and join us !

Subscribe: http://www.BizSiteBiz.com/Subscribeform.html ====================================

Larry Johnson is a webmaster and publisher with several years online experience. His background is in education, radio and TV production. He is nationally published in Home Business Magazine. Each week he publishes the Biz Site Biz Ezine which is now in it's fourth year of publication.

Utilize Those Traffic Exchanges.

Written by Anna-Marie Stewart

Continued from page 1

Click away at all 5 of them vigorously, say at least 30 minutes per day, for maybe 3 weeks. This SHOULD start building your downlines inrepparttar various exchanges. If it doesn`t work at first, keep trying until it does. The key here is to never give up.

Once you have a good enough downline (in YOUR opinion), and your downlines are creating traffic for you, log back intorepparttar 121175 programs, changerepparttar 121176 website link to whichever program it is you REALLY want to promote.

Don`t expect your downline to build ALL of your traffic, you may still have to "click" yourself for a while, but with time, that will change. In my favourite programs, my downlines are getting me 1000 pageviews per day.

That`s 5000 pageviews, on average, per day for free, and I rarely click at all any more. Maybe every once in a while just to keep my accounts active, depending onrepparttar 121177 programs rules.

Give it a try, and as I said before: Don`t give up! Have Fun!

-=-=-=-=-=-=-Resource Box-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- How to easily avoid those contrived Scams, Shams, and Spam. Yes; without spending your Hard won money with every so called Guru. Be far better informed and prepared With This Brand New, Huge money Saving Free E-Book! Now You can quickly learn how to run a real home spun business without allrepparttar 121178 Hype. http://annamarketing.com/pops/splash.html Subscribe to Not Just Another Ezine http://annamarketing.com ============================================= This article is available for reprint in your opt-in ezine, web site or ebook. You MUST agree not to make any changes torepparttar 121179 article andrepparttar 121180 RESOURCE BOX MUST be included. (c) 2002-2004 AnnaMarketing.com. All Rights Reserved

Anna-Marie Stewart has been involved with internet marketing since 1999. She has always tried to help people "make a go of it" online, by sharing her own experiences with as many people as possible. She now publishes "Not Just Another Ezine" a FREE weekly newsletter at http://annamarketing.com - dedicated to helping newbie and semi-pro internet marketers avoid the pitfalls BEFORE getting burnt.

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