Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

Newlyweds and empty-nestors, you are just beginning a life together or you are returning to having more time for each other. In either case, settingrepparttar table a little more elaborately, with a touch of whimsy, and a serving of elegance, will soothe souls, and invite both of you to a time of partaking of food leisurely and with a much higher degree of appreciation for taste, texture, and those other nice little “you really did notice” points. You can savorrepparttar 111618 food, admirerepparttar 111619 surroundings, and be a participant inrepparttar 111620 witty conversation andrepparttar 111621 warm embrace of sharing time with someone you care about.

Ifrepparttar 111622 time should come that you return to eating as a single person again, you have learnedrepparttar 111623 finer points of entertaining. You are no less a guest than if you had invited someone else over to share your meal. Enjoy yourself, relax, and know that a meal is and always will be a time of rejuvenation, and soul-growth.

So bring outrepparttar 111624 candlesticks,repparttar 111625 lacy tablecloths, andrepparttar 111626 gravy boat and have a meal fit for royalty. Settingrepparttar 111627 table should be paramount of every meal when possible. Let your table shine - for royalty are about to sit around your table. ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002

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Arleen M. Kaptur has countless articles in magazines/newspaper and one the internet. Her Book: Searching for Austin James Websites:

How Much Does it Cost?

Written by Ken McIsaac

Continued from page 1

More and more we are coming to falsely regard material gains as success and missing out onrepparttar true values of life. "Whoever does not regard what he has as most ample wealth, is unhappy though he be master ofrepparttar 111617 world." - Epicurus (BC)

Money really is quite necessary in our life, but its value should not be worshiped. Being careful not to waste it will give us less to worry about, so "Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

This article is an excerpt from "32 KEYS: A Collection of Ideas About Life" . The book summarizes the most popular basic ideas on the subject of improving the quality of life. It is free to read online. URL:

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