Sustaining Growth in Your Business

Written by Bob Lodie

Continued from page 1

Self-Coaching Questions Begin by writingrepparttar completion of these “Sustainment Statements” every week. I recommend a weekly period to give them urgency and to help maintain your momentum. Feedback on a weekly basis is more effective than it is over a longer period of time.

Sustainment Statements

Forrepparttar 142328 next week I will …… (Be very specific)

So that ….. (What isrepparttar 142329 outcome and benefit?)

The results will look like this ….. (If you can’t describe it, how will you know it happened?)

Afterrepparttar 142330 first week you ask, “What have I done to make progress in …”

How well or how much did I do (rate yourself 1-5)

What will I do next? __________ (pick your next step toward a certain goal or direction)

So that …

The results will look like this …

Next, find someone to “check your homework.” Who is going to keep you on track? I began offering a tickler service to clients who want to do self-coaching in addition to using my regular coaching services. Repeating this questioning process weekly will make weekly improvements to your business. If you want to make regular progress, get someone or something you are accountable to weekly.

Bob Lodie is a speaker, business strategy coach and consultant to financial advisors. He is author of Three Steps to Million Dollar Production and Personal Success from the Inside Out. He can be reached at or direct at 310-552-6064

It’s All About Beliefs

Written by Bob Lodie

Continued from page 1

Changing Your Mindset

In order to replace old habits though a change in your mindset, there are three steps you should follow:

1.First, begin by specifically identifyingrepparttar results you want. 2.Then create and develop actions that will accomplish those results. 3.Lastly, examine your beliefs about those actions to determine if they are holding you back.

For example, a common goal among speakers is to be listed with several speaker bureaus. Many speakers haverepparttar 142327 credentials and experience to be on a list but don’t takerepparttar 142328 steps necessary to make it happen.

Why is this right? They knowrepparttar 142329 bureaus requirements so why don’t they just get on with it? Do they believe they will be accepted for listing?

Beliefs that put a damper on expectations and behavior are like mushrooms - they thrive in darkness. Yet if you shine a little light on those beliefs, you’ll develop a different mindset aboutrepparttar 142330 affluent market.

These questions arerepparttar 142331 light that can change your mindset: 1.What does my research say aboutrepparttar 142332 market for my speaking topics? 2.Do I know other speakers like me that are listed with several bureaus? 3.Exactly what are my obstacles to getting their attention? Can they be overcome?

No matter what your goal, saying you haven’t done something before is not justification for not being able to do it now. Everyone has overcome adversity and accomplished things they never thought they’d do. Whether it’s learning to drive a car, graduating college, or reaching an income goal, we all have our accomplishments. This is no different, and by questioning your beliefs, you’ll find evidence that supports new beliefs about what you can accomplish. “Seeing” truly is believing, and once you see that old habits and assumptions are holding you back from finding and working with several bureaus, you’ll begin to use your talent and skills to make it become your reality.

Most dictionaries define a belief as a conviction that certain things are true, so if you want to achieve your goals, create a mindset made of beliefs that supportrepparttar 142333 truth you want in your future.

Bob Lodie is a speaker, business strategy coach and consultant to financial advisors. He is author of Three Steps to Million Dollar Production and Personal Success from the Inside Out. He can be reached or direct at 310-552-6064

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