Surviving Corporate Politics Part 3

Written by Gary Whittaker

Continued from page 1
ofrepparttar issue. Find out their take onrepparttar 103038 source ofrepparttar 103039 problem, who or what isrepparttar 103040 cause, and what measures they have implemented as a work around. History aboutrepparttar 103041 issue(s) can also be learned by asking casual questions as to how many other departments or customers are affected, and for how long, as well as finding out who has been implicated inrepparttar 103042 past. Takerepparttar 103043 information learned back into your own team and try and find solutions that are mutually advantageous. Some teams may feel like you are stepping into ‘their’ territory, but that can usually be countered withrepparttar 103044 simple argument that taking away problem issues will lead to improved efficiencies in their remaining tasks. You must always remain in partnership withrepparttar 103045 departments with which you are working. The business world has been getting smaller and smaller. Cases were Executives have lost and taken back over specific teams multiple times overrepparttar 103046 course of only a few years is becoming a common occurrence. If you try to start empire building, you had better succeed, otherwise you will be forever branded, and no one will help you. It is not a good deal inrepparttar 103047 long run. People used to be able to jump companies and start again, but acquisitions, take-overs and turn-over rates can put you back in reporting position to someone with which you are no longer are on good terms.

Most important of all, takerepparttar 103048 new Adidas motto, “Impossible is Nothing”. How many people believedrepparttar 103049 United States was unbreakable before September 11th? How many people believedrepparttar 103050 Red Sox would be forever cursed? How many people thought that Nortel would be a Blue Chip and not go into a sudden nose dive? Impossible simply means that a solution has not been successfully implemented yet. Userepparttar 103051 resources at your disposal, be it colleagues, friends, web tools, whatever, and put together your plan in a way that will turn your boss’ head and earn his approval. If you know that your boss will not be receptive to your plans in advance, then plan for it it a non-confrontational way. Set up a meeting after you have gathered all your supporters. Try and get other people at his level that believe inrepparttar 103052 benefits of your objectives and get a meeting all together. Propose your plans in a team setting so that it does not just pit you against your boss.

Make it happen.

Gary Whittaker is the editor of, a social and sports commentary webzine with balls! Check out more articles at

Job Applicant Follies

Written by Ed Williams

Continued from page 1

On why they want a job with us -

“My neighbor Joe Blow works for you, and he’s not halfrepparttar man I am. You’d be better off to send him home and call me in to work for you.”

“My friend Jambo works for you, and he never comes home sweatin’, so I figure your company isrepparttar 103037 place for me.”

“I can’t draw assistance until they put throughrepparttar 103038 paperwork, so I need something to tide me over right now.”

“Right now I work for my in-laws. The money is bad, and my mother-in-law has a thicker mustache than mine. And she’srepparttar 103039 type that likes to kiss you a lot.”

“I worked for XYZ fast food chain, gained a lot of weight, and my boss let me go because I couldn’t fit into my work uniform anymore.”

“Your dad dated my mom, and I’m sure you don’t want that to get out.”

Y’all see what I mean? The really bad thing is that I could have written another ten pages chock full of these type comments. Honestly, you have to wonder what inrepparttar 103040 devil people are thinking when they put this kind of stuff on their employment applications. I choose to think that they are just not thinking clearly atrepparttar 103041 time, and I think it’s best to just leave it at that. Life is life, I suppose. If you think about it, though, there is a bright side to all of this - if you happen to be among those who are out there looking for a job, know that you will pull ahead of some of your competition by simply filling out your employment application in a neat, coherent manner. If you do that, you might even be able to get aroundrepparttar 103042 fact that you need a job simply because, as one applicant so succinctly put it, “... my old Aunt Gertie is winkin‘ and smilin‘ at me a lot these days, and I think that I might need to get out ofrepparttar 103043 house a little more than I am...”

Ed’s latest book, “Rough As A Cob,“ can be ordered by calling River City Publishing toll-free at: 877-408-7078. He’s also a popular after dinner speaker, and his column runs in a number of Southeastern publications. You can contact him via email at:, or through his web site address at:

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