Survey Says...

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

Demographic Surveys - what's your gender, age, income, occupation, marital status, etc.

Sometimes people don't want to takerepparttar time to fill out a survey. To encourage them to fill outrepparttar 140795 survey offer them a freebie if they fill it out. Some ideas are free ebooks, free advertising, free reports, free internet services or a free e-zine. Hold a free online contest or sweepstakes and ask visitors to fill out a survey before they enter.

If you don't yet have an e-mail address list you could post your survey on appropriate newsgroups, forums and e-mail discussion lists. You could also upload survey software to your web site or use a free survey service onrepparttar 140796 internet. To find such services just type inrepparttar 140797 keyword "survey" in your search engine of choice.

Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine, introducing their new affiliate program which is due out July, 2005.

How Direct Marketing Helps Your Internet Business To Prosper

Written by Evelyn Lim

Continued from page 1

How then, do you pinpoint a good customer against a bad one? What kind of information do you need to know about your customers? Here are 8 critical but very basic information that you must gather:

1. Who are they? 2. What do they buy? 3. When do they buy? 4. How do they buy? 5. Why do they buy? 6. Where do they buy? 7. Are they satisfied? 8. What is their buying power like?

One way of gettingrepparttar information that you need is to simply conduct a survey on your mailing list. Hot tip! Make it easy for your subscribers to fill uprepparttar 140794 survey and give them an incentive to do so!

The same pareto principle should apply to your online business:repparttar 140795 80/20 rule. The principle just means that 80% of your sales are generated by 20% of your customers.

If this isrepparttar 140796 the case, instead of spending huge sums on customer acquisition, it may be a more prudent measure to spend resources on knowing and understanding more of this 20% segment. Cultivate good relationships with this 20% segment and rewardrepparttar 140797 customers here for staying true to you. (Again, this knowledge is only possible if you have surveyed or kept track of your entire customer base.)

All in, having happy, loyal and satisfied customers will result in a business that prospers. And you can achieve this through direct marketing and knowing what, where and how to please your customers!

Evelyn Lim is the publisher of weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success". She aims to equip her readers with skills to acquire multiple sources of online income. To subscribe to her newsletter, please visit . Or, read her blog "Online home business journals from Singapore" at for more information

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