Supplementing Spiders

Written by Judy Webb

Continued from page 1

5.] A thorough check of all links was done checking for "title" tags. Links not working were replaced or repaired. Images were checked for appropriate "alt" description tags and made sure all were described in a manner that best suited them using keywords where possible.

6.] Knowingrepparttar site was relatively new, articles were submitted to other directories with links back torepparttar 136597 site. We also bloggedrepparttar 136598 site and pingedrepparttar 136599 post and trackback URL and left links where possible to lead back torepparttar 136600 site.

7.] Once everything had received one last thorough check, we took a break and then waited for Googlebot to call. We started to watchrepparttar 136601 server logs for our visitor.

8.] It only took a few days beforerepparttar 136602 first index. We began to checkrepparttar 136603 search terms that had been targeted and a few days later began to seerepparttar 136604 site inrepparttar 136605 search results. Checked with Yahoo! and there was no mention. Back to work we went. Polished and reworkedrepparttar 136606 keywords that were targeted and tweakedrepparttar 136607 description. Made another trip around various article directories and submitted another article with links back torepparttar 136608 site and again bloggedrepparttar 136609 site and pingedrepparttar 136610 post and trackback URL's from it. We were re-indexed within a few days. This time as we check for search terms we began to see more ofrepparttar 136611 site’s content and URL's appearing inrepparttar 136612 search results. Only this time it was not just one or two, but several different articles that had been placed as content inrepparttar 136613 categories and topics ofrepparttar 136614 sites.

9.] Googlebot has been fairly regular forrepparttar 136615 past two weeks with re-index approximately every three days. After each visitrepparttar 136616 keyword and search terms are checked inrepparttar 136617 search results to see where we stand inrepparttar 136618 listing. Also checked arerepparttar 136619 server logs for specific keywords searched and evaluation ofrepparttar 136620 traffic. We then go back torepparttar 136621 site, tweak it, and get ready for another visit.

10.] This is onlyrepparttar 136622 beginning. This little exercise will continue even after reachingrepparttar 136623 goal. A routine has been established that includes periodically checkingrepparttar 136624 server logs forrepparttar 136625 always, welcomed visitor. Makingrepparttar 136626 adjustments where they are needed and preparing for another index.

The site is not listed No.1 with all ofrepparttar 136627 keywords or search terms but is appearing onrepparttar 136628 first page for many. It is rewarding to know that without a single search engine submission, a brand new website can be indexed within a few weeks of launch, raise it's head aboverepparttar 136629 crowd and be noticed. A site that now hasrepparttar 136630 potential to make it.

Supplementingrepparttar 136631 spiders was, is, and will be well worthrepparttar 136632 effort. It has been an interesting exercise requiring, inrepparttar 136633 grand scheme, very little research and time. The best news isrepparttar 136634 same search terms that are showing up with Google search results are now appearing in Yahoo! results. Now that is what I call 'Supplementing Spiders'. The spider even picked uprepparttar 136635 tab forrepparttar 136636 Yahoo!’s inclusion.

Judy Webb is editor and Webmaster of She is the author of several articles relating to Internet marketing and promotion. She can be contacted at here. This article can be reprinted or published as long as this resource box remains attached.

10 Ways to Tackle Keyword Research and Selection

Written by By Michael Murray, VP of Fathom SEO

Continued from page 1

6. Visit Wordtracker. It's a great tool even if it only collects a sampling of actual searches (more than 300 million). You'll get a good sense of how frequently someone may search. Here is their URL:

7. Use your intuition. Don't hesitate to try some ideas; Wordtracker and other sources can confirm whether you have a search term people might or might not use.

8. Limit your selection. Come up with a list of words - 10, 20, 30, maybe 50 or more. But don't get so many that you can't manage them all.

9. Tie keywords to site planning. Pick keywords you can work with over time. Make sure you don't plan to drop a page fromrepparttar web site or change it so often that your target keywords may be knocked off or irrelevant every 30 days.

10. Study your log files. Web analytics is a great tool if you want to see how your visitors are searching. Studyrepparttar 136562 results and you will come up with a revised set of keywords.

Michael Murray is vice president of Fathom SEO, an Ohio SEO firm. A member of SEMPO, he also authored the white paper, "Search Engine Marketing: Get in the Game."

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