Sun Safety

Written by Kathy Alexander

Continued from page 1

The sunscreen should also protect against UVA and UVB rays. This is often referred to as ‘broad-spectrum’ protection. Avoid sunscreens with PABA to avoid possible skin allergies, and if your child has sensitive skin, look for a brand withrepparttar active ingredient titanium dioxide which is a chemical-free block.

To use sunscreen correctly: -Use every time your child is inrepparttar 110164 sun -Apply 30 minutes prior to sun exposure -Apply generously -Reapply often, at least every 2-3 hours and after swimming or sweating -Use waterproof brands for swimming, but still reapply when out ofrepparttar 110165 water -Don’t forgetrepparttar 110166 eyes! Eyes can be harmed byrepparttar 110167 UV rays as well. Make sure children’s sunglasses protect 100% against UV rays. -Some medications can increase sensitivity torepparttar 110168 UV rays, so be sure to ask your child’s doctor about any new medications that may be prescribed.

What to do if your child gets a sunburn?

-Keep child inrepparttar 110169 shade. Any additional exposure will prolong healing and pain. -Take a cool bath to alleviate pain and heat. -Apply pure aloe vera gel. -Give your child a pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen and spray on over-the-counter “after-sun” pain relievers. -Apply topical moisturizing cream to hydraterepparttar 110170 skin and promote healing. Do NOT use petroleum-based products, they will not letrepparttar 110171 heat and sweat escape.

Setrepparttar 110172 example for your children and be safe yourself. You are their role model and your actions will go much farther than your words when it comes to teaching your children how to behave safely.

Kathy Alexander, Mother of four, Madison (3), Delaney(2), Courtney(2), and Wyatt(4 mos). She and her husband of 11 years live in Texas with their children. Protect Children! Teach Safety! 4 Kidz 4 Safety 'N More offers child safety products including photo identification, DNA & fingerprinting kits, books, games and charts at!

Considering Daycare? Consider the Pros and Cons.

Written by Eln Albert

Continued from page 1

When you work, atrepparttar end of your day, you just won’t haverepparttar 110163 energy, patience orrepparttar 110164 time to spend with your child inrepparttar 110165 manner you should or would like to. Your job becomesrepparttar 110166 first priority andrepparttar 110167 childrepparttar 110168 second. They get what’s left over if there is anything left to get. How do you like it when you are second fiddle to someone you care about and love?

Parents say, “Oh, they don’t mind. He likesrepparttar 110169 babysitter a lot. He’d rather I went to work.” That may be true, but chances are he’s never experienced having you at home full-time to know what that is like. There can’t be a comparison! Children so love unconditionally, they will put up with evenrepparttar 110170 worst of circumstances and still love their parents. Because children only want to be loved, cared for and valued themselves.

Ask yourself this question: “If you chose to continue working when you have a choice not to, why did you haverepparttar 110171 children if you didn’t want to raise them yourself? I know some people truly don’t have a choice. But many choose to continue working even though they could make do on one salary or move to an area where they could manage financially. Our society has become so accustomed to having two incomes; we no longer think we have a choice not to work. Imagine this, in one year; if you spent five dollars less per day you will save $1825. That’s one less cup of special coffee per day. If you spend ten dollars less per day, you will save $3650 per year. How much do you spend per day on lunches in your family? A large delivered pizza can easily run close to $20. One fast food meal for a family of four could easily be close to $25 or more. Where could you save money? The question is, are you willing to forrepparttar 110172 sake of your kids?

Add up allrepparttar 110173 possible costs of day care and compare torepparttar 110174 costs and benefits of working. The most important cost of all to consider is that special time spent with your children. What isrepparttar 110175 cost to them? In a recent interview of Jane Fonda with 60 Minutes’, Lesley Stahl, Fonda said, “I was not a good mother. And then, you end up paying for it later."

According to 60 Minutes, Jane created a school program to persuade teenage girls not to get pregnant, and to teach girls who are pregnant how to be better mothers. She created this program because ofrepparttar 110176 mistakes she’s made in her own life, and because ofrepparttar 110177 mistakes her parents made raising her. "If you don’t have a parent or an adult, a teacher or a mentor … really see you, really love you, 'Yes, there are things you do I don’t like, but you’re fantastic, you’re good enough. I love you.' If that never happens to a child,repparttar 110178 child assumes it’s her fault and tries to compensate for it," says Fonda.

Don’t makerepparttar 110179 mistakes you have experienced or you have seen others experience just because you don’t look far enough ahead. Look atrepparttar 110180 bigger picture, look ahead ten years or so and imagine what life will be like with your children later on.

I say this, “If you don’t have time for your children when they’re young, they won’t have time for you when you’re old.” ###

Copyright 2005 Eln Albert

Best known for her expertise in Interpersonal Communications, Eln Albert works with those that want to be at their best when influencing others. Eln is a Professional Speaker and Author.

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