Summertime Cleaning Tips

Written by Mary Findley

Continued from page 1

Grease or oil: The orange cleaner does an excellent job. Use it concentrated dab onrepparttar spot and wait 30 minutes or untilrepparttar 111391 oil has loosened. There is a product atrepparttar 111392 automotive supply stores called GoJo. Userepparttar 111393 liquid nonabrasive kind followingrepparttar 111394 above directions. It does contain petroleum distillates that could leave a stain on clothing. Always test a spot before using a cleaner.

Be careful ofrepparttar 111395 orange cleaner you buy, many contain petroleum distillates that dry certain fabrics and material. Check clothing before placing inrepparttar 111396 dryer. Heat sets stains and if any stain remains onrepparttar 111397 clothes, dryer heat makes it very difficult to remove.

Mini blinds. Oh how they attract dirt. For lightly dusty blinds, put a clean old cotton tube sock over one hand. Spray that with and all purpose cleaner. My favorite all purpose cleaner is to nearly fill a spray bottle with water then add one good squirt of Ivory Liquid dish washing detergent and gently shake to mix. Turnrepparttar 111398 slats ofrepparttar 111399 mini blind down and wipe overrepparttar 111400 slats turningrepparttar 111401 sock as it soils. Reverserepparttar 111402 slats and walk around behind them and repeat. To cleanrepparttar 111403 cords, grab a can of foaming shaving cream and gently dab onrepparttar 111404 cord. Wait 20 minutes then rinse. Strange as it sounds foaming shaving cream removes many a stain.

If your blinds are pastrepparttar 111405 point of no return then try this handy trick. First pound two nails intorepparttar 111406 back part of your home positioning them about a foot narrower thanrepparttar 111407 width ofrepparttar 111408 blind. Removerepparttar 111409 blinds one at a time and place onrepparttar 111410 nails. Atrepparttar 111411 grocery store purchase a can of Dow or Lysol Tub and Tile Cleaner. Don't userepparttar 111412 spray bottle because those don't foam very well.

Putrepparttar 111413 blind onrepparttar 111414 nails and turnrepparttar 111415 slats facing down. Sprayrepparttar 111416 slats thoroughly withrepparttar 111417 tub cleaner starting atrepparttar 111418 bottom ofrepparttar 111419 blind working your way upward. Wait untilrepparttar 111420 foam begins to drip down fromrepparttar 111421 top then wipe them down with a damp sponge. Reverserepparttar 111422 slats and turnrepparttar 111423 blinds over and repeatrepparttar 111424 process. Dry and rehang. You should clean one blind in about 10 minutes withoutrepparttar 111425 mess of dunking them inrepparttar 111426 bathtub and scratchingrepparttar 111427 tub.

Mary Findley spent 12 years professionally cleaning homes and developed a mop made to clean with ordinary terry cloth towels. She also shares her cleaning tips and shortcuts with you twice a month in her "Moppins Mail" newsletter. You can sign up for her free newsletter at

Mary Findley spent 12 years professionally cleaning homes and developed a mop made to clean with ordinary terry cloth towels. She also shares her cleaning tips and shortcuts with you twice a month in her "Moppins Mail" newsletter. You can sign up for her free newsletter at

The ADD Child: Challenging Parents, Teachers and Friends

Written by Jeanne Bauer

Continued from page 1

Clumsiness and Poor Coordination: Many ADD children exhibit problems with fine motor control. This can be seen in poor handwriting and in difficulty performing other routine tasks such as buttoning buttons or tying shoelaces. When combined withrepparttar child's inability to plan or organize a flow of activities,repparttar 111390 resulting outcome (written paper, self-dressing, etc.) may appear chaotic and disorganized. Many ADD children also exhibit gross motor control clumsiness due to poor motor planning cognitive skills or other co-existing weaknesses in areas such as balance, depth-perception or eye-hand coordination.

Disorganization: The ADD child is a study in disorganization! Whether it isrepparttar 111391 state ofrepparttar 111392 child's room,repparttar 111393 organization of a term paper,repparttar 111394 set up ofrepparttar 111395 child's school supplies and workspace, grooming, dressing and hygiene skills, or any other aspect ofrepparttar 111396 child's life,repparttar 111397 most probable outcome will be a disorganized mess. This results fromrepparttar 111398 ADD child's impulsivity (jumping at any solution), distractibility (stopping inrepparttar 111399 middle of any activity), hyperactivity (pulling out and tearing apart everything in sight), and inattention (they lose interest anyway!).

Mood Swings: With an ADD child, everything is always at extremes, and their range of emotions is no different. In some cases, they can be extremely domineering and controlling as they seek to gain attention for themselves. In other cases, they can be unreachable, and no amount of discipline or parental intervention seems to have an effect. When an child with ADD is "stuck" inrepparttar 111400 emotions ofrepparttar 111401 moment, there seems to be no way for reasonable discussions to bypassrepparttar 111402 emotional whirlwind in progress. ADD children can be described as oppositional, stubborn, overly-dramatic, flighty, ecstatically happy or excessively sensitive, just to name a few ofrepparttar 111403 extremes experienced by ADD children.

Poor Social Skills: Based on all ofrepparttar 111404 issues discussed so far, it's not surpising that ADD children don't fare well with peer relationships. They speak and act impulsively, show off and dominate conversations or class time, clown around at inappropriate times, miss subtle social cues, may be physically clumsy and awkward, and often irritate and annoy their peers in a thousand daily ways.

As a result ofrepparttar 111405 symptoms and behaviors just described,repparttar 111406 ADD child encounters all too many difficulties in their young lives. True ADD should not be considered a "phase" that will be outgrown. Rather, parents and educators should seek all ofrepparttar 111407 education and knowledge they can find to help these kids flourish and succeed throughoutrepparttar 111408 elementary school years.

Jeanne Bauer is the author of the ADD to C3 Kids E-Booklets, providing a fast, natural and healthy approach to ADD/ADHD. Find more information at and

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