Sugar and Spice and Things Not So Nice

Written by Sherri L Dodd

Continued from page 1

I do not mean to pick on little girls, and I know that all children go through phases. As well, do not mistake my offended nature ofrepparttar boldness with a prudish character. In school I would have much more likely been found inrepparttar 140238 middle of a fight rather than a sewing circle. Nevertheless, it seems to me that today’s girls are missing out on something. Rememberrepparttar 140239 saying that you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. There is a thick line between being our best and being better than someone else. This principle can encompass life in general. The sense of satisfaction we feel when we have surpassed our best surely beats clawing and scratching our way through others simply to prove ourselves superior. Either way we may or may not win. But, in beating our own best, we stay focused over that which we have control – ourselves; and not external factors – impending sources of perpetual frustration. And, do not forget that you will make far less enemies inrepparttar 140240 process.

As parents, these arerepparttar 140241 lessons that we must teach our children, boys included. You do not have to berepparttar 140242 best at every sport,repparttar 140243 loudest at every debate norrepparttar 140244 most academic inrepparttar 140245 classroom. There will be plenty of competition as your children grow. Why not let them enjoy childhood withoutrepparttar 140246 pressure to always reign supreme amongst their peers? Blocked obstacles breed hostility and guilt, especially when it involvesrepparttar 140247 fear of disappointing a parent with high expectations. I cannot help but think that sometimesrepparttar 140248 aggressiveness I see in these potentially good-natured little girls comes not from a pre-determined genetic slate, but instead,repparttar 140249 programming from a disgruntled parent who has yet to come to terms with insecurities resulting from their own perceived inadequacies as a child.

Sherri Dodd is the creator and author of Mom Looks Great - The Fitness Program for Moms. She is an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant with over fifteen years of exercise experience. She has lectured to groups of 100+ people on her fitness plan and is a freelance writer on the topics of fitness and general nutrition as well as the humorous side of motherhood.

Unique Mens Wedding Bands, - For When Common Won’t Do.

Written by P

Continued from page 1

However forrepparttar man looking for something really unique there are many other options. The internet has opened up a whole new world forrepparttar 140237 man looking for unique mens wedding bands.

There are now online jewellers who allow you to design your own ring.

For example it is possible to design your own Titanium mens wedding band using a whole variety of Titanium colors. You choose your own ring shape, size and color or mix of colors and add any one of a variety of gemstones to it as you wish. These can be placed exactly as you desire to create a really unique men’s wedding band unlike anything anyone else has anywhere inrepparttar 140238 world.

Forrepparttar 140239 really adventurous there’s more. Why not carbon fibre? How about stainless steel, or two tone bands? Or celtic mens wedding bands?

And why not get REALLY adventurous if you wish. For those who want something right out ofrepparttar 140240 ordinary there are many options.

Zodiac mens wedding rings are stunning. Available in allrepparttar 140241 zodiac signs a zodiac ring will turnrepparttar 140242 head. Large and very visible a zodiac ring is not forrepparttar 140243 faint hearted but forrepparttar 140244 man who wants to be noticed it is a ring that must be considered. And two tone zodiac rings are even better!

Not suitable for a wedding ring? Who says! Forrepparttar 140245 man who wants to be unique it doesn’t matter. If he, and she, both like it then it works for them. That’s all that matters.

How about mens gambling rings? Forrepparttar 140246 gamblers amongst us there are rings featuring all manner of gambling symbols. How about a gold and diamond roulette ring? It really does have a tiny roulette wheel, with numbers.

Or a gold and diamond spinning dice ring that really does have 2 tiny dice? Or a gold spinning black jack ring.

Even unusual gemstones can be made intorepparttar 140247 most unique mens wedding bands. Two tone rings with Tanzanite anyone? Gold with Blue Topaz? Gold, Diamond and Garnet?

So althoughrepparttar 140248 wearing of mens wedding bands is relatively new, it doesn’t have to be boring. These types of rings are not for everyone, but forrepparttar 140249 man who wants a really unique mens wedding band there are lots of choices.

It’s just a case of how unique do you want to be!!!

© 2005 Peter Crump. Peter Crump is the webmaster and owner of Cool Mens Wedding Rings This is a website devoted solely to mens rings, both mens wedding rings and mens rings in general. For great ideas on all types of mens rings.

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