Successfully Fail to Succeed (i-mail article)

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1

"Not at all. Perhaps an illustration will help illuminate your thinking. You don't remember but what happenedrepparttar first time you tried to walk?"

"I probably fell flat on my kazoo. So what's your point?"

"Would you say you walked poorly?"

"All babies walk poorly inrepparttar 123754 beginning." I began to suspect where Other-Self was going with this but I refused to let on.

"Exactly! But according to your logic you should never have taken that first step because all you could do was walk poorly. Which would have left you flat on your kazoo forrepparttar 123755 rest of your life."

"Nonsense! You're trying to turn a two-step into a waltz. Taking baby steps and spending three days on a no-where article is notrepparttar 123756 same. Not even close."

"Are you certain?"

"You're triple ‛A' right I'm certain. It's absolute foolishness to spend a ton of time and a bucket of sweat on a project that hasn't got a Hail Mary chance of succeeding."

"So, to your way of thinkingrepparttar 123757 entire effort would be a waste."

"Wonderful! You're finally coming over to my side ofrepparttar 123758 road."

"Before I make such a long journey, let me ask you one last question. If you writerepparttar 123759 article now, is it possible that an article you write next week will be better for today's effort? And, if so, what aboutrepparttar 123760 next article? Andrepparttar 123761 article after that? And then maybe one day you'll actually end up writing something magnificent."

"Okay...okay," I reluctantly muttered. "I see your point. I think what you are saying is that anything worth doing, no matter what it is, is worth doing least inrepparttar 123762 beginning. Is that right?"

"Exactly! Now, about that article."

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Read more ‛i-mail articles' at You can also be amongrepparttar 123763 first to receive new ‛i-mail articles' by subscribing free to Doug C. Grant's bi-monthly e-zine, THE EMPOWERED MATURITY PAGE. It's for anyone wanting to boost their life up a notch or two. Subscribe at:

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the ‛Over-50', crowd live healthier, happier and more productive lives through his Empowered Maturity Web Site ( and an on-line interactive seminar.

How to Successfully Live Today...TODAY! (i--mail article)

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1

"I'd slamrepparttar door in his face."

"Very good. Now ask yourself this. Did you have any control over whether that bum knocked on your door or not? Don't bother to answer. Of course you didn't. The only real choice you had was whether to invite him in or slamrepparttar 123753 door."

"I see your point and maybe that might work...sometimes. But I'm still so angry about getting conned out of my money that I can't help thinking about it."

"Well isn't that interesting. You've just admitted that you're a spineless wimp controlled by a free-wheeling brain. That's too bad. I really thought we had something going between us."

"That's not fair. Can I help it if my anger is so strong thatrepparttar 123754 thoughts keep returning?"

"No. But what would you do ifrepparttar 123755 bum kept returning?"

"I suppose I'd keep slammingrepparttar 123756 door."

"Well, finally a smart answer. Now, let me ask this. If you keep slammingrepparttar 123757 door in that bum's face, what do you think he will eventually do?"

"Go away, I suppose."

"Are you beginning to getrepparttar 123758 picture?"

"Yeah...except you make this thought avoidance business sound like a cake walk."

"It is, actually. The only thing hard is persistence. Right now shut and lockrepparttar 123759 door of your mind to all your yesterdays. Visualizerepparttar 123760 door actually closing but leave a small window for peeking back at warm memories and successful experiences.

"Next, closerepparttar 123761 door on all your tomorrows. But again, leave a small window for productive planning and goal setting.

"Your life is now enclosed in a single room. But it'srepparttar 123762 best room possible because it'srepparttar 123763 only real place you can live. It's called ‛Today'."

"Okay, sounds neat and all that. But I've been acrossrepparttar 123764 hall enough to know that two minutes after locking away my past and futurerepparttar 123765 angry thoughts will come roaring back."

"Of course they will. That's to be expected. But who says you have to live with them? Just stand onrepparttar 123766 other-side of your ‛Today' door and shout, "Go away!" Five minutes later you may have to dorepparttar 123767 same thing again...and again. But with persistence,repparttar 123768 thoughts will disappear forever.

"Well...I'll give it a try. But it won't be easy. It's so hard to keep from thinking about my money and that lying piece of crude. I can see him now stretched out beside a pool in some warm climate just..."

"Excuse me, but perhaps you didn't notice. Your ‛Today' just snuck out an open door." ___________________________ ______________

Read more ‛i-mail articles' at You can also be amongrepparttar 123769 first to receive new ‛i-mail articles' by subscribing free to Doug C. Grant's bi-monthly e-zine, THE EMPOWERED MATURITY PAGE. It's for anyone wanting to boost their life up a notch or two. Subscribe at:

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the ‛Over-50', crowd live healthier, happier and more productive lives through his Empowered Maturity Web Site ( and an on-line interactive seminar.

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