Successful High-Tech Marketing on the Old-Fashioned Internet

Written by Kenny Love

Continued from page 1

4. Search Engines - List, not onlyrepparttar main or home page of your web site withrepparttar 121786 search engines, but also your additional pages, as long as they are different and titled accordingly. Doing this, will dramatically increaserepparttar 121787 traffic to your site. In fact, at some point, you should experience an increase geometrically.

5. Announcement Sites - This is a 1-shot opportunity, so make it good. What you want to do at announcement sites, is to providerepparttar 121788 most attention-getting information you possibly can for your venture, as you can, generally, only do this once for new start-up businesses. Two popular announcement sites arerepparttar 121789 "What's New" andrepparttar 121790 "What's New Too" sites.

6. Announcement Lists - There also exists Email announcement lists, much like announcement sites, whereby, you can provide notices and posts regarding your product, service, or information.

The main difference, however, is that as announcement sites only allow for a 1-time post, announcement lists, contrastly, allow postings periodically and, generally, on a weekly or monthly basis. You can also find these atrepparttar 121791 Egroups, Topica, and Listbot sites.

7. Ezine Ads - Ezine ads are great, as long as their publications contain high enough circulations to warrantrepparttar 121792 CPM (Cost Per Thousand) readers. However,repparttar 121793 drawback is that many readers pass them by, naturally, having more interest inrepparttar 121794 content ofrepparttar 121795 publication.

Additionally, ads tend to get "lost" in publications that publish a high number of ads in issues. In most cases inrepparttar 121796 offline-publishing world, an ideal CPM rate is 10,000 readers per $1.00 spent. Try for this same ratio in your Ezine ads as well. A great resource for advertising in ezines isrepparttar 121797 Ezine Directory (

8. Publisher Swaps - This promotion method is exclusive to Ezine and newsletter publishers, and is, whereby, publishers trade ads with each other to be placed in their respective publications inrepparttar 121798 effort of gaining new subscribers.

Successful ad swaps can provide dramatic increases inrepparttar 121799 subscriber base of your own publications. The Ezine Directory should provide some, if not all, information regarding it. Or, you can userepparttar 121800 directory's content to contact publishers with a "swap proposal."

9. Opt-In Direct Email - To "opt-in" means to voluntarily accept information or notices via Email from outside sources regarding particular interests that you have. There are, literally, millions of people online who are members of such lists.

As a business owner interested in promoting your product, service, or information, you rent such a list fromrepparttar 121801 opt-in service, providing your sales letter or material torepparttar 121802 service, then allowingrepparttar 121803 information to be sent via Email byrepparttar 121804 service torepparttar 121805 list members you have selected.

This isrepparttar 121806 popular and preferred alternative to unsolicited bulk emailing or "spamming." Once a list is mailed, your response is almost immediate.

The interested responders then purchase your offer, or request more information, at which time, you should have an auto responder already set up to "feedback" more sales literature. An auto responder is an automated Email address that, when accessed, returns certain pre-input information.

Once purchases are made, these particular list buyers then become your own customers, and you can usually provide them with similar follow- up products, services, or information inrepparttar 121807 future without re-renting their name fromrepparttar 121808 list. The most widely known is Postmaster Direct at

These arerepparttar 121809 methods and techniques that I have found to be realistic, sound and, most importantly, successful. They are applicable to anything that lends itself commercially viable, whether it is a product, service, or information.

Kenny Love Enterprises. Provider of diversified information, products, and resources. See his extensive web site at

Lifetime Value Online?

Written by Kim Wingate

Continued from page 1

Many online businesses find themselves in serious trouble when they acquire customers based on a lifetime value calculation that simply never materializes as their customers click away torepparttar latest deal ofrepparttar 121785 day.

In "Big Time Banner Advertising," it is recommended that a cost-per-order target be used instead of lifetime value. A cost-per-order or CPO target simply allows you to treat each order as a one-time event. By setting a CPO target, there is no guesswork as to what a customer may be worth to you inrepparttar 121786 future - you know exactly what customers are worth on a per-order basis.

For example, based on your product margins and average order size, you may determine that $5 isrepparttar 121787 most you can pay for each order while still meeting your business objectives. This number becomesrepparttar 121788 CPO target for your marketing efforts. Marketing efforts that achieve this target CPO or better are "keepers" while those that don't get killed. A banner ad that costs $1000 and drives 250 orders is a keeper. A newsletter ad that costs $100 and drives 5 orders doesn't get renewed.

By using CPO targets, you are relying less on "what may be" and relying more on "what is" to make your marketing and advertising efforts more efficient, effective, and profitable.

Kim Wingate of AvidSurfer, is the publisher of "Big Time Banner Advertising" and "Turning Visits Into Action." Both of these informative Web business manuals, as well as a FREE conversion ratio case study, can be found online at:

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