Successful Change for A Change

Written by Brenda Smith

Continued from page 1

STEP 3 -- Practicerepparttar new behavior. Here's where we can learn from our children. Watch a child do something new -- they practice over and over and over untilrepparttar 131173 skill is mastered. Unlike children, though, our mature minds remind us of allrepparttar 131174 reasons why it won't work. Adoptingrepparttar 131175 "open-mindedness" of a child, we'll want to immerse ourselves in continual, positive reinforcement that will keep us going.

Peoplesmith specializes in professional effectiveness coaching for profound results with emotional intelligence, change and transition and personal leadership. Permission granted to change title.For more support in transitions, call us at 412-362-2622 for contact coaching.

PeopleSmith specializes in professional effectiveness coaching for profound results with emotional intelligence, change and transition and personal leadership. Permission granted to change title. Find out how peoplesmith can help you achieve profound results in your personal and professional life; visit us at or call us for a complementary coaching session 412-362-2622.

Enhancing your Self-Esteem

Written by Alina Ruigrok -

Continued from page 1

Is it hard for you to fill your head with positive thoughts most ofrepparttar time? Then you need to see what is getting inrepparttar 131169 way of it. Do you put yourself in situations that make you neglectrepparttar 131170 positive thoughts? Take a look at how you feel when doing certain things, and if they keep you from feeling positive…get out of that situation!!! What you then need to do is start looking atrepparttar 131171 beautiful things about life. Spend time with people who make you feel good and feel good about themselves, of course! You could even read books that make you feel great after reading them, because after reading them, you will put them down and look atrepparttar 131172 world in a more positive way, with much positive thoughts. Only you know what truly makes you feel good about life and yourself, so start providing yourself with those things. Give yourselfrepparttar 131173 make over your mind and soul deserve!

Take pride inrepparttar 131174 things you have done andrepparttar 131175 things that you know and continue to learn. Never look at yourself as less intelligent as others or stupid for not knowing certain things. You are not Superman and neither is anyone else. No one can possibly know every single thing there is to know. What you know is what you took an interest in knowing and that is what builds your special character and you should be joyful about it. If you want people to respect you and consider you knowledgeable, then you yourself need to believe and realize that you are respectable and full of knowledge (and you are once you have looked for it and found it). When you feel good about yourself, you have a high self-esteem and when you have a high self-esteem, you shine and tell people how to treat you through your actions and behavior. If you go some place knowing what you need and what you want without fearing to ask for it, people will see and know that you are confident and intellectual because you know what you want and they will respect you for it.

So make time to dedicate your efforts into making yourself feel more confident and more attractive both physically and intellectually, and do not make excuses for yourself. Once your self-love has been discovered, you will then be able to give other peoplerepparttar 131176 attention and concentration they deserve. When two people have complete and stable self-health, they can complete each other in many ways they never thought possible! Berepparttar 131177 best you can be and do you and your partner or future partner a favor by knowing and loving yourself so that when they are inrepparttar 131178 picture, you may fully offer and give yourself to them.

Alina Ruigrok is an independent relationship expert for helping those in need of dating, love, relationship, marital, sexual and other personal advice through e-sessions.

Alina Ruigrok is an independent relationship expert for helping those in need of dating, love, relationship, marital, sexual and other personal advice through e-sessions.

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