Substance Abuse Prevention: Saving Lives in Your Community

Written by Carmellita M. Brown

Continued from page 1

The saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The same saying can be applied to drug abuse. Prevention isrepparttar long-term answer to a long-term problem.

*Perhaps, you have what it takes to start a drug abuse prevention program in your community. Carmellita M. Brown answeredrepparttar 143085 call of over 200 requested e-mails from concerned citizens aroundrepparttar 143086 globe. Carmellita M. Brown in partnership with has created a Virtual Classroom Online to launch an online course called “Create a Substance Abuse Prevention Program.” To learn more about how to plan, design, and implement an exemplary substance abuse prevention program in your community please visit . Such programs do receive over $250,000 in government funding and up to $150,000 in funding from private foundations. Learn how you can get started today.

Carmellita M. Brown is an online instructor for the "Create a Substance Abuse Prevention Program" course located at

Overcoming Obesity -- Balanced Body Chemistry

Written by Pauline Robinson

Continued from page 1

of a sense of compulsion and inrepparttar process overeat, or eat incorrectly. A copper imbalance often results in a reduced desire for protein, especially animal protein. An adequate protein intake is vital forrepparttar 143084 slow oxidizer; inasmuch as dietary protein serves to increase one’s low rate of

metabolism. Any reduction in dietary protein intake can aggravate slow oxidation and thyroid underactivity, factors that further contribute to weight gain.

Toxic metals lodged in body tissues, such as cadmium; also play a vital role inrepparttar 143085 causation of obesity. Toxic metals displace vital minerals such as zinc and copper, which in turn affects energy production, carbohydrate tolerance and other vital aspects of body chemistry.

It also has been determined that chronic excessive adrenal gland activity results in an increase inrepparttar 143086 amount of circulating cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormone secreted byrepparttar 143087 adrenal cortex. Cortisol causesrepparttar 143088 conversion of amino acids and glycogen to fat, which is largely stored inrepparttar 143089 abdominal region. Fast oxidizers often develop a spare tire aroundrepparttar 143090 waist. Extreme cases develop a buffalo hump, a pad of fat onrepparttar 143091 shoulders that is characteristic of Cushing’s Syndrome, or overactive adrenal gland activity.

This is just some ofrepparttar 143092 information that is used to help a person to overcome obesity. By determining a person's biochemical imbalances using Metabolic Bio Typing, Live Blood Analysis and Nutritional Hair Analysis

HealthSmart Nutrition advisors have helped many people loose weight successfully and in a healthy way. They are healthy, energized and happy. Start on your way to a healthy weight. MAKE DECISIONS for HEALTHY LIVING TODAY.

Pauline Robinson is a Nutritional and Metabolic Bio Typing Consultant for HealthSmart Nutrition

For Metabolic Bio Typing info go to

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