Stuff Happens

Written by Dave Balch

Continued from page 1

Then there wererepparttar "faithful";repparttar 101843 many nice people who sent a quick note such as "Don't worry about it", "You're spending too much time in your bathrobe", and "It's always nice to hear from you, even if by mistake".

Here are some things that I learned:

1. You can't please everyone, no matter what you do. Some people are just cranky, so you have to just let them be cranky! Nothing you say or do will placate them.

2. Sometimes you just have to let go. At first I tried to tell those who complained that they had been onrepparttar 101844 list for months, but then realized that if these people don't even realize that there is no sense trying to hold on to them. They obviously don't needrepparttar 101845 newsletter or read it. "Buh- bye"!

3. I've got to lighten-up on myself. Even thoughrepparttar 101846 negative messages amounted to less than 1/2 of one percent, and they were outnumbered by positive messages by at least 4 to 1, I still found myself focusing on them and feeling bad about it.

4. When something goes wrong, it is important to try to identify ALL ofrepparttar 101847 ramifications. It never occurred to me that people would seerepparttar 101848 "Welcome" message and think they were subscribed to something new. If I had thought of that, I would have mentioned it in my follow-up message and perhaps fended off a few ofrepparttar 101849 requests to get off ofrepparttar 101850 list. (Maybe not... see #1 above!)

The next time something goes wrong, think it through calmly before you take action. Then letrepparttar 101851 chips fall where they may and look atrepparttar 101852 entire situation as a learning opportunity. If you don't, it just might happen again.

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What's a Career Coach? Do I need one?

Written by Deborah Walker

Continued from page 1

Not all job seekers need a career coach. If you already have headhunters calling you with job leads, you're probably OK on your own. Here are some situations were job seekers could benefit fromrepparttar expertise of a career coach: 1) changing industries, 2) moving into management, 3) changing functional roles (like accounting to sales), 4) relocation to a new area, 5) unstable work history, 6) been withrepparttar 101842 same company for many years, 7) over or under qualified, 8) over 50, or 9) lack confidence in your salary negotiation skills. Another way to tell if you need a career coach is lack of positive results. If you aren't getting responses from your resume postings or you aren't getting called back for second interviews, a career coach could most likely help you improve your skills and get your campaign moving forward.

If you decide to invest in a career coach, here are a few things you'll want to look for. A career coach should be an expert inrepparttar 101843 field of career management. Ask about their background and how they stay abreast of national employment trends. A career coach should understand employer buyer motivations. Ask if they' ve ever sat inrepparttar 101844 hiring seat. A career coach must be a good listener. If he/she talks more than listens, your objectives won 't be heard or understood.

Likerepparttar 101845 athlete running a race, your job search is a competitive event. Prepare to win first place in your job search. As every runner knows, second place doesn't take homerepparttar 101846 prize.

Deborah Walker, CCMC provides Career Coaching and Resume Writing to executive job seekers nationwide. Accelerate your job search! Get your Free job search skills analysis at visit Deborah at her website at or email her at

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