Stress Relief for Working Men and Women

Written by Cami Koralewski

Continued from page 1

2. Stay Physically Active. You’ve heard it before. Exercise helps a person better cope with stressful situations, feel happier, have more energy, and increases self-esteem. Buy a gym pass, walk during your lunch break, lift weights, Join an aerobics class, try Yoga, train for a marathon, swim with your friends, or go hiking. Make exercising a part of your lifestyle instead of something you keep putting off.

3. Nurture Your Relationships. The most potentially fulfilling part of a person’s life are loving relationships. Spend quality time withrepparttar people you love. It doesn’t matter how busy you are. Do whatever it takes. Start an exercise program together, meet for lunch, plan a once-a-week date night, or take a day off. Close relationships need nurturing to thrive. Relationships that are lacking in love bring unwanted sadness and stress into a person’s life. Don’t let your relationships suffer.

Writer and author for Sauna Central Online.

Stress Relief for Stay-at-home Mom's

Written by Cami Koralewski

Continued from page 1
Arerepparttar unnecessary things of your life starting to make things too cluttered? Look around and figure out what is weighing you down. Is it too many toys, a dog that your kids begged for (but you arerepparttar 136882 only one taking care of him), or an overabundance of after school music and dance lessons? Remember, LESS IS MORE! Who ever said that your kid had to be fluent in Spanish, have allrepparttar 136883 new-age educational toys, and be a concert pianist all beforerepparttar 136884 age of twelve? Why not try limiting your kids to one or two extracurricular activities? One more thing: Get rid ofrepparttar 136885 Super-mom Syndrome. Too many unrealistic expectations put on you from your spouse, in-laws, kids,repparttar 136886 PTA, or even yourself can weigh anyone down. Whatever it is, get rid of it. If that means talking to someone or mentally changing your perspective, do what it takes. Realize that everyone is human, even Mom. And even though she is just a human, she is definitely still worth loving.

3. Exercise: This one cannot be emphasized enough. Exercise sends positive endorphins torepparttar 136887 brain that help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, sluggishness, and self-esteem. You don’t have to join a gym to get your work-out in. Find something you enjoy: walk, bike, run, swim, hike, lift weights, or join an aerobics class. Try something new like Pilates or Yoga. The possibilities are endless and will help you be a happier, healthier person.

Writer and author for Sauna Central Online.

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