Strength Training Guidelines for Endurance Athletes

Written by Matt Russ

Continued from page 1

One exercise I will caution you on isrepparttar leg extension. Most people use way to much weight on this exercise, which can put a lot of pressure underrepparttar 133127 knee cap. This may lead to cartilage damage. Leg extensions are a good exercise to warm up with. Use light to moderate weight and lots of reps. You may want to perform this exercise inrepparttar 133128 top 20 degrees range of motion. This helps strengthen your VMO or innermost quad which plays a key role in patella tracking.

Finally, if you are unfamiliar with weight training and proper form I highly recommend you get with a certified athletic trainer. Exercises such asrepparttar 133129 squat, dead lift, and even leg press can easily injure you if performed incorrectly. I could write an entire book on how to perform these exercises, but if I am not standing next to you and watching your form, you could still be performing them incorrectly. I see and correct bad form from even experienced clients on a daily basis.

Phase I- Acclimation 4-8 weeks Purpose: To gradually adjust your body torepparttar 133130 stresses of strength training. During this phase you will use light weight and high reps. You may want to start of your first few weeks with very light weight or body weight. Make sure you perform your exercises slowly and controlled. Reps: 15-25 Weight: Light to Moderate Exercises: 3-5 Sets: 2-3 Rest between sets: 1-3 minutes generally allows full recovery

Phase II Hypertrophy: 4-6 weeks Purpose: To recruit maximum amount of fibers and promote muscle growth and absolute strength. Make sure your first set is a light warm up set. You will want to "pyramid" or increaserepparttar 133131 weight on each set while loweringrepparttar 133132 reps. A typical rep scheme may look like this 12-10-8-6, or 12-10-8. This phase has a good potential for injury, so be careful and listen to your body. You can take your lifts to muscular failure during this period. I recommend a spotter. Don't be surprised ifrepparttar 133133 first few weeks leave you very sore. Reps: 6-12 Weight: Moderate to Heavy Exercises: 3-6 Sets: 3-4 Rest between sets: 1-3 minutes generally allows full recovery

Phase III Strength Endurance: 6-8 Weeks Purpose: To trainrepparttar 133134 ability to sustain repeated hard efforts, similar to a steep climb. This phase will raise your lactate threshold and time to exhaustion. You want to use moderate weight and slow controlled motion. You can bring yourself to muscular failure but at a higher rep range. I recommend that you raise your rep range slightly as you progress. Reps: 15-30 Weight: Moderate Exercises: 3-5 Sets: 2-4 Rest between sets: 1-3 minutes generally allows full recovery

Phase IV Power: 3-6 weeks Purpose: Power is force over time, orrepparttar 133135 ability to moverepparttar 133136 most resistance inrepparttar 133137 shortest time period. This is necessary for jumps and short sprints. Again, I recommend a trainer during this period because ofrepparttar 133138 potential for injury, andrepparttar 133139 creative knowledge needed for power training. You will take each strength exercise and explode upwards. Be careful onrepparttar 133140 eccentric phase (lowering). Try to picture a spring that is slowly coiled until it is tensioned, then explodes. Go light, especially inrepparttar 133141 beginning. This does not mean you will not fatiguerepparttar 133142 muscles. I use a body weight forrepparttar 133143 first few weeks. Reps: 8-20 Weight: Light to Moderate Exercises: 4-6 Sets: 2-3 Rest between sets: 1-3 minutes generally allows full recovery

You have to view strength training as a tool box. You have to decide which tools are right for you based on your body, and your event. I personally am a smaller person, slow twitch, and my goals are usually short events. This means more time inrepparttar 133144 weight room for me. If you are a marathoner, you will need less strength work and less weight. If you are a large muscled person, who has good short distance speed, yet you are training for an IM event, I would focus less on hypertrophy and more on strength endurance for climbing.

Matt Russ has coached and trained athletes around the country and internationally. He currently holds licenses by USAT, USATF, and is an Expert level USAC coach. Matt has coached athletes for CTS (Carmichael Training Systems), is an Ultrafit Associate. Visit for more information.

Understanding Wild Turkey Habits for Improved Hunting

Written by David Selman,

Continued from page 1
A fleshy growth called a snood hangs fromrepparttar front ofrepparttar 133126 head. Brightly colored growths called caruncles and a pouchlike area called a wattle markrepparttar 133127 throat region. Turkeys feed on acorns, seeds, berries, and insects. The hen incubatesrepparttar 133128 11 to 20 pale spotted eggs for about 28 days. The young are called poults. Turkey can run at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. Turkey can reach flight speeds of 50-55 mph in a matter of seconds. Two species--the wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, ofrepparttar 133129 eastern and central United States and Mexico, andrepparttar 133130 ocellated turkey, Agriocharis ocellata, of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and adjacent areas--make uprepparttar 133131 family Meleagrididae, which is classified with pheasants inrepparttar 133132 order Galliformes. The smaller ocellated turkey lacksrepparttar 133133 tuft of breast feathers, is more brilliantly colored, and has bright eyespots onrepparttar 133134 tail coverts.

Article by Tracker Outdoors


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