Strength, Speed, and Power Progression to Peak

Written by Matt Russ

Continued from page 1

Aerobic hill intervals are a great way to build specific leg strength for running. My athletes are often surprised that they can climb relatively steep inclines while maintaining an aerobic level simply by slowing pace considerably. I may start an athlete off hill walking at a steep incline. It is important to adjustrepparttar level of incline gradually as well asrepparttar 113058 length ofrepparttar 113059 climbing interval. I add in more elevation each week and lengthenrepparttar 113060 intervals.

Power work may also start inrepparttar 113061 weight room after a sufficient amount of strength work has built tendon, ligament, and joint strength. I have found body weight or light weight is often enough resistance for most power work. I may start a session with strength or strength endurance work and end with power work. It is easy to over do power work however, and injury can results. Form and technique are crucial. Onrepparttar 113062 bike power work starts atrepparttar 113063 end of base and involves very short high cadence, high resistance efforts of 10 seconds. I allow much recovery between these efforts (5-10 min.) so energy systems are properly restored. I then proceed to more sustained and repeated efforts of 1-5 min with plenty of recovery. These efforts haverepparttar 113064 added benefit of building aerobic capacity and are more suited forrepparttar 113065 general preparation or build periods. Finally, jumps and sprints, often with incomplete recovery are stressed. I may prescribe many of these in a single session to trainrepparttar 113066 body to buffer lactic acid. This work is highly prescriptive and may only be performed 1-2x per month. Again,repparttar 113067 amount of time spent with this type of work will vary by athlete and sport.

Run power can start with technique drills duringrepparttar 113068 base season. I may then add short explosive sprints torepparttar 113069 end ofrepparttar 113070 hill climbing efforts we are already performing regularly. Hill intervals of various lengths and intensities will help promote explosive power and leg strength. Generally I saverepparttar 113071 most intensive run speed and power work forrepparttar 113072 last 2 blocks preceding peak.

Although this is a brief overview you can realizerepparttar 113073 progression. The work outs you perform should build on one another throughoutrepparttar 113074 season and keep you from overreaching. Performing a variety of work outs hasrepparttar 113075 added benefit of keeping your training interesting and helps prevent burn out. Organize your work outs as you do your season. Each work out is a tool and you have to decide when it is most effective to take it out ofrepparttar 113076 tool box.

Matt Russ has coached and trained athletes around the country and internationally. He currently holds licenses by USAT, USATF, and is an Expert level USAC coach. Matt has coached athletes for CTS (Carmichael Training Systems), is an Ultrafit Associate. Visit for more information.

There Is No "Off" Season

Written by Matt Russ

Continued from page 1

The base period is also a good time to enter into a specific strength training routine. Strength training can be highly stressful onrepparttar body therefore excluding certain types of training such as speed work, I performrepparttar 113057 majority of my weight work inrepparttar 113058 base period. I have found my body needs too much time to recover from weight work and it does not react well with higher intensity training performed later inrepparttar 113059 season. This does not mean strength work stops afterrepparttar 113060 base period, but rather evolves into more specific "onrepparttar 113061 bike," and "onrepparttar 113062 run" strength work. Examples are cycling tension intervals and hill running. I do however perform core strength exercises regularly throughoutrepparttar 113063 year. A proper strength training system goes through specific phases such as maximum strength, strength endurance, and power, and is specific to your needs and sport. I highly recommend any endurance athlete interested in strength training to get with a trainer or coach with experience in this area. Each athlete is unique and should have a specific routine.

The base period is followed by a general preparation period and then a more specific race preparation period, so there is no "off" season. If you are an athlete who trains only inrepparttar 113064 race season you have probably noticed your performance has not improved much or may have decreased each year. Instead of building on your past season you are instead trying to get back to your previous level of performance each year. To me each season is a step up toward better performance. A good example of this is older athletes who are still performing well into their 40's, 50's, and 60's. If you look at their training overrepparttar 113065 years you will find one consistency; rarely did they give up any ground.

Matt Russ has coached and trained athletes around the country and internationally. He currently holds licenses by USAT, USATF, and is an Expert level USAC coach. Matt has coached athletes for CTS (Carmichael Training Systems), is an Ultrafit Associate. Visit for more information.

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