Strategize Your Marketing!

Written by Ron Sathoff

Continued from page 1

Classified Ad ==> Website (Point of Sale)

More complicated plans might need more steps:

Classified Ad ==> Website (More Information) ==> Phone Call (Point of Sale)

Sales Letter ==> Follow-up Letter ==> Website (Point of Sale)

Classified Ad ==> Autoresponder ==> Website (Point of Sale)

In any case, these simple charts you create should help you keep track ofrepparttar purpose and nature of each part of your plan.

* Remember that your different steps will have different goals. For instance, your "point of sale" has your ultimate goal (the sale), so that is where you need to be your most persuasive. Therefore, you need to make sure thatrepparttar 121650 copy and information you have here is rock-solid. After all, this isrepparttar 121651 foundation of your entire system, and ifrepparttar 121652 copy here is weak,repparttar 121653 entire process will fail.

As for you other steps, remember that they are NOT there to makerepparttar 121654 sale by themselves -- rather, they are intended to either getrepparttar 121655 customer to go torepparttar 121656 point of sale, or to "prepare"repparttar 121657 customer forrepparttar 121658 final sales pitch.

Having a well-thought-out marketing plan is an important step in making your e-business a success. As always, realize that these tips are in no way comprehensive -- instead, they are just a few initial thoughts on how to make sure that everything you do, advertising-wise, fits into a larger marketing system. That way, you can maximizerepparttar 121659 effectiveness of your marketing attempts, which will help save time, money, and sanity!

Ron Sathoff is a noted speaker and manager of DrNunley's Ron works with business speakers and writers, helping them with their copy-writing, marketing, and Internet promotion.

Is It Easy for You?

Written by Mary Wilkey

Continued from page 1

For instance, if you’re just not comfortable writing ads and marketing online, then QUIT! But only AFTER you’ve made sure that you’ve given it your best shot.

I mean, if you have diligently studied copywriting and marketing techniques and APPLIED what you’ve learned, and if it still gel—if it is obvious that you don’t have a natural aptitude for it, THEN quit. But be absolutely sure that you’ve exhausted every avenue and every resource.

Rule of thumb: if you haven’t made it in online marketing after doing it DILIGENTLY (daily for several hours) for at least a year, then don’t waste any more time. Because no matter whatrepparttar product is that you're advertising and marketing—it is all about writing highly persuasive ads and marketing effectively, consistently, and persistently. If you are unwilling to do that, forget it!

Feel free to reprint the above article with this info intact: Article penned by Mary Wilkey, publisher of 'elf Expressions Ezine: To subscribe, email

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